All posts by Miss Muir

Coronavirus work

What to do for Modern Languages over the next few weeks…


  • Please check your Glow.  Your teacher may have added you to a Team and put files up online for you to work through.


  • If not;  Linguascope.  Make a note of new vocab and try all the activities.  Beginners (S1 and S2) or Intermediate (S3)


  • S4/5/6 – Scholar will be available; if you don’t have your login, check with your teacher as soon as possible.


  • Quizlet is also available – put the following codes into your Google browser:

For French –

  • S1 –,
  • S2 –,
  • S3 –,
  • S4 –,
  • S5 –

For German –

  •  S3 –                                                     S4 –     and if anyone’s feeling particularly enthusiastic for next year,
  •  Higher German –

You don’t need to request to join but you can, and if you do, your scores and so on are saved so you can see how much better you get.


  • languagesonline is great for grammar and for vocabulary – there are drills with immediate feedback so very useful.


  • Kahoot can be played yourself – just search through for any Kahoot on any topic you’ve covered this year so far.

Any questions, try to reach your teacher through Glow in the first instance.  Textbooks and worksheets are also available if you don’t have reliable access to the internet.


Bye for now.  Work hard.  Wash your hands.

Here’s a link to the past papers section of the SQA website:

Try all the papers as tests, time yourself and so on, then mark them according to the marking instructions (mi).  Make a note of any vocabulary you didn’t know.  If you don’t have a dictionary at home, Collins online French (or German, or Spanish) dictionary is a reasonable, and free, option.

Mathématiques sans Frontières

MsF was on yesterday for the Higher Maths and Modern Languages pupils – an annual national competition where pupils answer 13 maths problems, one of them in the Modern Language they’re studying. We haven’t won yet, but this year the pupils were particularly focussed and we’re really hopeful!

Doing the Modern Languages question
Thinking and discussing
Just getting started on one of the questions
Calculators out
Very focussed on one of the questions
Drawing out one of the problems
Theresa, our German Assistant, enjoying the discussion
Maths and Languages are so fun!
Not quite hair-tearing-out stage, but nearly
Maths sans Frontières is hungry work, so we supplied some snacks for the end
Trying to get a last question finished before time is up
Well earned rest and some food and drinks after the competition


3F2 poem

We have been studying a well-known French poem, called ‘Déjeuner du Matin’ by Jacques Prévert in French recently.  The class read the poem several times and did a lot of activities about the poem.  Finally they copied the poem and illustrated it to show other classes what it’s all about.  The Higher class chose their favourites and the creators were given a small prize.

Here are pictures of some of the poems:


S1 posters

S1 have been busy working on describing themselves and others.  Some classes have done posters, some have done powerpoints, and the French they have used is all great.

Miss Muir’s classes got to judge each other’s posters and presentations in French, so here are pictures of the winners:

1F2 winners of the poster presentation
1F5 poster presentation winners. Well done to everyone!

S1 Xmas Cards

S1 French classes were invited to make a French Xmas card, and here are some of the best.  Well done everyone – Joyeux Noël, Fröhliche Weihnachten & Feliz Navidad!

S2 Paris Posters

S2 were very busy finishing off their topic of Paris with a poster on a different aspect each.  The posters are fantastic, with a lot of information on each.  The winners got a small, seasonal prize.  Here’s a small selection of the posters:

La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie. Lots of information and nicely highlighted pictures here
The Arc de Triomphe, Gustave Eiffel, the river Seine and the Place de la Concorde (site of the guillotine) and their creators.
Notre Dame, by Adem of S2. The hand-drawn picture is very impressive!

S3 German Play-do Pets

The German class has been studying pets and how to describe them.  So we made play-do pets and wrote about them!  Some weird and wonderful animals out there…

Theresa, our German Assistant, helping with language for describing pets.
Working hard!
Wondering what to make
This is a giraffe
A very cute dog
A snail and a slug.
A spotty tortoise. Maybe a terrapin?
This is a sloth, hanging onto its branch.
And this is its sloth pal.
Peppa never looked so good!
A couple of snakes
This is a rare and beautiful Narwhal
Such a lovely parrot
A tortoise with a lovely pattern
This is a dog
These guys are a wasp, a squid and a snail
Two other snakes

Cumbernauld Academy Language Ambassadors

Congratulations to our new Language Ambassadors – they will be helping out in classes, judging competitions and helping run the Languages Lunchtime Club, among other things.  If you have a languages-based question, please ask them!

They are:

Darren Hendry

Sara Weir

Abbie Murray

Katie McGuire

Sophie Lamont

Bethany Conaghan

Emma Adamson

Eve McConville.

We look forward to working with them!

Pupils of the Month – settling in.

Every month the Modern Languages teachers pick a pupil who has done exceptionally well in some regard in the classroom – settling in, homework, most improved classwork and other things.  For the month of September, the following pupils were chosen and have been given a merit, plus they received a pencil, rubber or ruler as a little prize:

1T1 – Max Lewicki
2T2 – Heather Dalziel
3C5 – Amy Coulter
3LS – Hanna Liddle
3HS – Jessica Smith
4DS – Molly Spear

1T2 – Jaimee-Lee Carenduff
1T5 – Sian Downie
2F3 – Olivia Dale
3F2 – Emily Spear
3G – Holly Cameron
4G – Rachael Alexander

1T4 – Jack Ganner
1T7 – Chloe McAspurren
2T1 – Rebecca Byrne
2T4 – Harvey Inglis
3C1 – James Lamont
3C4 – Aiden Coleman

1T3- Naima Wang
1T6- Luiza Duda
2T5- Ben Drummond
2T6- Ryan Masterson
3F3- Tom Shirreff
3F6- Jake Bell
4C1- Molly Spear

Additionally, we have a Learner of the Month for someone who has worked particularly well, or done something especially good, and this month it is Mia Rodger from 3A1 who, we’ve noticed, has been working very hard indeed in her Modern Languages classes.  Very well done to everyone!  Keep up the good work!