Primary 5 have been doing the Rainforest as their topic and have completed some excellent art work. Below is an animoto video of some of their tribal art. I think this is something to be proud of!! The video takes a few seconds to begin after pressing play, it looks like it isn’t going to work but it does. Be patient it is worth it to see primary 5’s fantastic work!! 😀
Category Archives: Interdisciplinary Learning
Response to Billy Bear 2
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By Kim Lambert
Da Rainforest Rap
This is a rap that Miss Docherty made in a Primary two class and remembered so Miss Docherty taught it to P5 at Chapelside.
It is called Da Rainforets Rap.
Da’ Rainforest Rap
The rainforest don’t got one layer
The rainforest don’t got two layers
The rainforest don’t got three layers
The rainforests got four layers
Say what – four layers
Say what – four layers
Say what four layers
I said a wicky wicky wicky wicky what?
We got emergent trees that are mighty mighty high
They reach right up and almost touch the sky
Say what – emergent
Say what – emergent
Say what – emergent
I said a wicky wicky wicky wicky what?
Next we got the canopy, Home of the bromeliad
Just like a big umbrella there, Its mighty mighty rad
Say what – canopy
Say what – canopy
Say what – canopy
I said a wicky wicky wicky wicky what?
Next we got the Understory Where it’s cool and dark
And the epiphytes Grow on the tree bark
Say what – Â Understory
Say what – Â Understory
Say what – Â Understory
I said a wicky wicky wicky wicky what?
Down at the bottom we got the forest floor
And that’s the final layer We don’t got no more
Say what – forest floor
Say what – forest floor
Say what – forest floor
I said a wicky wicky wicky wicky what?
If I say rainforest you say four layers
Rainforest – four layers x 3
I said a wicky wicky wicky wicky what?
(Remember to say it in a rap voice)
Now we shall take out a bit of the rap and put it in a voki.
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By Kim And Gemma
Billy Bear 2 – Replying to Kim
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Hi Miss Docherty
This is my first time bloging from home. I love our blog, it’s so fun to go on. I learn lots of new things in our blog. I especially liked working with the other P5 class from Tannochside Primary on the rainforest. It’s awesome, I hope I get to come on tomorrow.
Chloe F
Homework 29/03/11
Would you recommend the rainforest topic to another class?
Yes, it is a very interesting topic and people in our school should know about the rainforest. They should know what is happening in the rainforest like logging, animals in danger and much more.
Rachel Donald p5
Build your wild self.
On Tuesday 15 March we made an animal.  It was a bit of every animal, so it could have a snake body and a gorilla head. It was lots of fun, we made some weird new rainforest animal species.It was so fun.
This was part of heads and feet challenge to create an avatar that we incorporated into our interdisciplinary learning.
By Abby and Katie
Rainforest Paintings

On the 8th of February all of P5 made a painting about the Rainforest and we learned that there is four different layers in the rainforest. There is the Emergents,Canopy, Understory and the Forest floor.The Emergent layer has the tallest trees. We have made this blue because you would be able to see the sky. The Canopy is bright green because it gets lots of sunlight. Next is the Understory, this layer is darker green because it gets less sunlight. Finally the Forest Floor iis brown, it is made up of dead leaves.We have learned about the Rainforest.
By:Rachel and Nathan
Our New Topic
Hello Billy Bear we are going to tell you about the rainforest,our new topic. You can find wild exotic flowers and vines,big trees and lots of green bushes and leaves. Did you know that there are lots of wild birds and animals? Some rainforests are over 100 years old. Most people like exploring on wild trips like in the rainforest. In the rainforest it’s mostly likely to rain which might cause it to flood. The most common animal in the rainforest would be a bird like parrots and other birds and you would also find wild snakes like the cobra and lots of others. Would you go to the rainforest Billy Bear ?
By Jorgia and Garry