Skeleton Research

Our class has been full of bones this week as we have been learning about the skeleton. We have been using some fabulous resources such as a model skeleton, a velcro life-size puzzle , loads of interesting factual books and we have played some learning games and watched some facinating video clips on the internet.
Here are a few a facts we have learned:
* humans have 206 bones
*the biggest bone is the femur in the thigh
*the smallest bone,the saddle, is in the ear
*the rib-cage protects the main organs
*bones are connected by joints
We had a great variety of sources of informationWe looked closely at our model skeletonWe took notes as we watched some amazing video clipsWe used the notes we made to share the information we have learned with others

Weather Recording

This week we made our own weather recording charts and instruments to make our own weather centre. Each group worked co-operatively to make a rain gauge, a wind strength measure and a special recording chart. Every afternoon, 4 different people go out to our weather centre to take the readings then we report back to everyone. On Friday, we are going to use some of our findings to write our own weather forcasts to show each other. In art, we used our weather work as inspiration for our ‘wacky wellies and unbelievable umbrellas’. We’ve really enjoyed this project so far.We worked together to make a rain gauge from recycled bottlesWe made streamers to check for wind strengthWe put our rain gauges outside to collect any rain. The wind blew our special streamersWe designed our own wellies and umbrellas

Super Symmetry

Our latest maths block has been so much fun. We’ve been learning all about symmetry. We can use symmetry mirrors to find a line of symmetry. We have being doing lots of symmetry games on the computer. We have being making symmetry pictures. We think maths can be great fun . By Rebecca and Erin

Pr 4/5 Christmas party

What a fantastic party we had this afternoon! We had games, dances and a class buffet too. Mrs O’Neill thought we all looked so smart in our party outfits. Pr3 are in for a treat when it’s their party on Thursday.

We loved the dancing.
The games were great fun.
We brought in treats to share in our class buffet.

The Candy Cane Kids Shop

Our shop opened on Friday to the visitors from our families. We all had a shift to do either as shop greeter or as a stall holder. The visitors loved our products and we soon sold almost all of our stock. When Patrick and Rebecca counted our takings we had £64!!! We gave Mrs Smillie back her £6 float and Mr Young’s start up loan of £20 so our total profit was ……£38. We are so proud of ourselves.

A trial run

Today we finalised our pricing, made our display signs then we had a trial run using our real shop and merchandise. At maths time, Mrs O’Neill gave us all some ‘pocket money’. We had to work out each of us had to spend then we visited our shop to buy the sweets. We had to make sure we had enough money to buy what we wanted and double check the change the stall holders gave us. We can’t wait to do this for real at our grand opening on Friday.

We visited our shop to buy sweets with our money
Jade bought all these treats and still had 50p change-what a bargain!

Our Shop

Our quality control team, Melissa, Liam and Lauren inspected our merchandise today. they were happy with most of the goods but some had to be re-done. Our market research team visited the other classes to show our products and to find out how much customers would be willing to pay for them. We also worked on setting up our stall and every one of us made a candy cane in art to decorate it. Tomorrow is our final day of preparation before our shop opens.

Our quality control team checked our products
Our market research team visited the other classes

Our stall is looking good

Production Team

Today our class was transformed into a sweet factory. Groups of us were cutting, gluing ,tying and putting together some brilliant sweet treats to sell in our shop. We had to work as a team and help each other and now we’ll need to do some quality control to make sure they are good enough to sell.

We had to take care we were making all the pieces the same size
We had to be very organised
It was important we worked well as a team

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations

We celebrated St Andrew’s Day by going to mass with the whole school. Later we had a really good time at our special assembly. It was fun joining in the singing with all the classes but it was especially good fun to go onto the stage to perform,” Granda” by the famous Glaswegan poet, Matt McGinn. We all wore a wee bit of tartan and some of the girls wore a shawl when they were singing about ‘Granny’. Some boys also looked great in their ‘Granda bunnets’. Our prayer group also hosted a scottish coffee afternoon with dumling and shortbread and they raised £200 to send to Fr Ben in Uganda. All in all we had a very successful day.
We walked to mass

We enjoyed the bagpiper before we all sang some Scottish songs
The coffee morning raised lots of money for our friends in Uganda
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