First Reconciliation

Last night, some of our class received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. They worked very hard with the other Pr3 class and Mrs Deeney to prepare for this important step on their journey of faith.

Our preparation for our Pr4’s First Holy Communion is also well underway. We have been learning about the Seven Sacraments both at school and home and this week we have been looking at some of the miracles of Jesus in the scriptures. We thank all our adult helpers who are sharing their faith with us in our sacramental preparation.

Sport your Trainers Day

During Lent, our class are raising money for SCIAF. As well as our collection box in our class, we also raised £15 when we donated £1 to wear our trainers to school on Monday. We also hope to do a raffle and maybe another fundraiser as we watched the DVD about the SCIAF appeal and we really want to help.

Multiplication Tables Fun

In maths, we have been working on improving our times tables. As well as using our jotters, we have been practicing with our partners using white boards to test one another and we have also been using the i-pads to test ourselves. It has been fun to play some tables bingo games too but best of all, it was great fun making our own tables snap games and playing them with our partner. We are also going to make tables games as part of our maths homework so our adult helpers better brush up on their tables or we might beat them at our games!

Catholic Education Week

This has been a very special week for our class. We have been ‘Shining the Light of Faith’ in lots of ways. We have been learning about St Francis of Assissi who was a great example of how to share your faith with others. We wrote about how we were going to try to share our faith with those around us. Our visit to the oratory for Eucharistic Adoration was very special. Jade said it felt very ‘holy’. Patrick thought it felt very ‘peaceful’ and Heather enjoyed the chance to be silent. Tomorrow we will visit the oratory again for Stations of the Cross. We also enjoyed designing our own candles for a competition run by the Prayer Group.

Learning Games

We’ve come to the end of of Human Body topic and we can’t believe how much information we have learned. Our powerpoints are almost finished and we are planning to invite Pr5 to see them. We had a think about how we could. To share our learning, we also worked in pairs to design and produce some fun games about the Human Body. Some of us made matching pairs, some of us made snap games and some even chose to make a hangman game. Then we swapped partners to teach somone else how to play our games.

We are now working in the library whilst the workmen are fitting our new cupboards. Our class looks like a tornado has gone through it but we can’t wait to see what it will be like when it is finished.We checked our facts as we designed our gamesWe wrote instructions for othersWe had fun playing our gamesOur classlooks so strange like this


We have been working on a block of gymnastics during PE. Today we were learning how to take off and land safely when we are practicing our jumps. We can now safely do a tuck jump, a star jump and a half turn. We thought it was just important that we could put out and return the equipment safely. Mrs O’Neill was very impressed when we worked co-operatively to put the equipment away. We have all be very successful in improving our gymnastic skills.

Land safely on two feet
We mastered star jumps


This morning, an officer from the SSPCA visited our class. He showed us a powerpoint to tell us all about his job and he gave us a challenge to do where we had to find the correct equipment needed to rescue various animals. We had a quiz and later we wrote about our visit. He gave us stickers and magnets so that we will remember who to phone if we we ever see an animal who needs help.

Learning about the Jewish Faith

In RE this week we have been learning about the jewish faith. We learned that Jesus was jewish and we had a video clip about a synaguoge. This is the place where the Jewish people worship. We found out about the special book called the Torah which is really a scroll.It has 5 books from the old Testament just like our Bible.We made our own Torah. by Rebecca and Erin.

Science Centre Visit

Today we had a terrific and scientific trip to the Glasgow Science Centre. The amazing exhibits really brought all we have been learning in class to life. We got to look at real x-rays and we were amazed that we could already name some of the bones we saw. The exhibits about the lungs were facinating. They were real lungs and the healthy pink ones inflated easily when we pumped in air but the black smokers lungs were shocking to see. There was even a computer programme where Rebecca aged Mrs O’Neill’s face to see what she would look like if she smoked. There was even a life sized anatomical model like the ones we’ve been using. Some other visitors were astounded at how skillfully we could put the organs in place and name them.
We hope you enjoy looking at some of the many photos we took.

Picasso Pictures

In art, we have been looking at the artwork of the famous artist, Pablo Picasso. We looked at some of his abstract portraits and we noticed they weren’t life-like or symmetrical. We noticed that Picasso wasn’t trying to make a realistic picture but rather was trying to capture a bit of the person’s feelings or personality. Over the next few art sessions, we are going to use Picasso’s portraits as inspiration for our own pictures.

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