All posts by Mrs McLean

What a week!

We’ve been working really hard this week practising our Victorian assembly and we can’t wait to perform it! It’s taking place on Friday 18th March so look out for invitations coming soon!


We began the week with the ‘Product of the Future’ presentations that we didn’t quite manage to see last week. We had a special treat with a taste test of Victorian food! We all got to try the kinds of treats both rich and poor Victorian children may have eaten. We loved the sponge cake and most of us liked the dumpling too!


Preparations have now begun for our First Holy Communion. This week, we started to explore what the real meaning of this Sacrament is. We know that it’s the next important step in our faith journey and that we need to prepare ourselves to receive it. We discussed the different ways that we can try to do this, such as attend Mass every week and spend more time praying. We made promises to God and we will try to keep theses promises as we continue on our faith journey.


On top of all that, we have been finding out about a famous Victorian artist called Lowry. We spoke about his life and the kind of artist that he was. We recreated one of his most famous paintings, ‘A portrait of Ann’ and we think our versions look just like the real thing!

That Friday Feeling!

We’ve been working hard again this week in P4. We continued learning about information reports by looking at a fact file on Mrs McLean’s favourite character from the 1960s…Scooby Doo! We highlighted the important features and then we used what we learned to write an information report about Martin Luther King, who we have been researching for the past week as part of our 1960s topic…

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Today, we did some more work on our Roy Lichtenstein inspired pictures. We have been using templates to recreate some onomatopoeic words and backgrounds for our pictures. We are using dot patterns in our pictures because Lichtenstein used this technique a lot too…

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Here is a sneak preview of some almost completed pieces that will soon be displayed for all to see…



And here’s one that’s mounted and ready…!


Wow! Can’t wait to see them all. Watch this space!

Finally, we used our P.E. time today to practise some moves for the forthcoming school show. Can you guess what famous, legendary artist’s songs we’ll be performing…?

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Happy Friday everyone!

3 Minute Retreat

Today we learned about the ‘Diacritical Marking Code’ and used this strategy to practise our phoneme words. We also learned how to Peer Assess our partner’s reading. In maths, we’re ready to move on to bigger numbers beyond 1000!

In R.E we were learning about God’s plan for us. We listened to and watched the story of when Jesus calls Simon Peter and Andrew to be his first Disciples. We know this story can be found in the Gospel of Matthew. We discussed ways in which we can follow Jesus and return the love that God gives to us. Then, we took part in a 3 minute retreat where we listened to music and reflected on God’s love for us…


Here is our wall display showing our pledges to follow Jesus in small, but important, ways every day…



Today’s Secret Student was…Brooke. Well done! Brooke won a ‘No Homework’ pass. Lucky!


Star Writers and Onomatopoeia

This week, we created fact files about our partners. We interviewed them then created information reports about them. Mrs McLean was so impressed with our work that we have 4 Star Writers! Here they are…





Today we learned about onomatopoeic words. Sounds fancy but they’re just words that describe a sound. Here we are finding out all about them…


Next up, we learned all about the 1960s American Pop Artist, Roy Lichtenstein. He used lots of onomatopoeic words in his art. We looked at examples and discussed whether or not we liked his work and why. We’re going to create our own Lichtenstein inspired pieces of art. Watch this space!


Pupil of the Week was Sinead. Very well done!

Our week so far…

It’s been a busy week in P4 as we get used to our new routines and the new strategies that we’re learning in language and maths. We’re still working hard on place value and we have been practising writing numbers in ‘expanded form.’ It sounds fancy but it just means that you write the value of a number’s hundreds, tens and units. We played more games to help us understand this and some of us got quite competitive!


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Today, we were introduced to Elkonin Boxes to help with our spelling. We learned that you put a sound in each box and we practised putting some of our words this week into the boxes. We did really well and remembered to place our joined phonemes in one box together…



Meanwhile, this group of super spellers played letter games. They are independent learners and Mrs McLean is very pleased!



We’ve had another 2 Secret Students this week. Well done to Elle who gets to choose her job and Wiktor who won a ‘No Homework’ pass!

Jotters of the Day yesterday were Ami and Katie. Very well done!




Super Start to the Week!

What a great start we got off to in P4 this week. We started the day with Mass to celebrate St. Bartholomew’s Day. Then, we started to work on our spelling for the new term. This group did some outstanding independent work with their phoneme ‘ck’…



In the afternoon, we did Maths and even though it was the afternoon, we all worked so hard on Place Value. Here we are concentrating at the Smartboard…


And here we are showing our answers…


Mrs McLean is super impressed by how fab we all are at Maths so we played a game to help us with our understanding of the link between a digit, its place and its value…

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Phew! After all that hard work, we found out about our new topic…the 1960s!! We watched a video about life in the 1960s then made a human timeline of some of the important facts that we might want to investigate further…

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Did you know that in 1969, the first man walked on the moon? And did you know that Lego first came to Britain in 1960? We can’t wait to find out more!

Our Class Dojo champ this week was Lucie. Well done!

Today’s Secret Student was Ciaran. Well done!


Day 2, Still Smiling

Today we worked really hard again. We practised our handwriting and started by doing some hand exercises, then got down to work. Mrs McLean was really impressed by how well we concentrated – some of us even ended up with sore fingers because we tried so hard!

In the afternoon, we learned about God’s precious gift of life. We listened to the Creation story from the book of Genesis then we looked at some beautiful pictures of the earth that God created for us. We made bookmarks to remind us of what happened during the 7 days of creation…

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Here are some pictures of our wall displays from yesterday’s hard work…

OurOur Class Jigsaw - Everyone Fits oin
Our Class Jigsaw – Everyone Fits in!
OuHaving a positive Having attitude
Be a ‘Positive Polly’ – Anyone can work hard to get smarter!

And finally, today’s secret student was…Sean Michael. Tomorrow, Sean Michael gets to choose where he sits! Very well done!





Welcome to Primary 4!

Mrs McLean was delighted to welcome 26 happy, smiling Primary 4s into their new classroom today. It was lovely to begin to get to know one another all over again and we started the day off with a welcoming poem…


Next up, we talked about how everyone is an important part of our new class and we made individual pieces of a class jigsaw. All of the pieces in the jigsaw are different but they all fit together perfectly, just like us…

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In the afternoon, we learned a little bit about having positive and negative attitudes towards our learning. Mrs McLean explained that it’s okay if we find work challenging because it means we’re learning. It’s also okay to make mistakes, especially if we learn from them and keep working hard. Next, we met Positive Polly and Negative Nelly who had different ideas about learning. We looked at some statements and decided whether Positive Polly or Negative Nelly would have said them. We sorted them in our groups…

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And finally, here is our finished work after the groups fed back their ideas to Mrs McLean…


We worked really hard today and we will all sleep tonight! Very well done fantastic Primary 4!