Update on our shop

We’ve been very busy preparing for our shop. We have been doing lots of activities in class to improve our skills in giving change. We went on a silent walk-about where we had to write a price on our white boards then compare with others to find the difference in the two amounts. We found we had to think quickly. We also practiced working out change from £1 and £5 and we enjoyed using money games in the ICT suite.
Today we also wrote our business plan and voted on on company name which was….. THE CANDY CANE KIDS.

We looked at the prices of some materials we need and Lucy, our company secretary, emailed Mr Young to apply to borrow the funds. We can’t wait to hear his decision so we can get started on preparing our stock.

We practiced our mental skills on our silent walk-about
We practiced working out giving change
We used money games on the computer
We voted on our company name

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