What a week!

We’ve been working really hard this week practising our Victorian assembly and we can’t wait to perform it! It’s taking place on Friday 18th March so look out for invitations coming soon!


We began the week with the ‘Product of the Future’ presentations that we didn’t quite manage to see last week. We had a special treat with a taste test of Victorian food! We all got to try the kinds of treats both rich and poor Victorian children may have eaten. We loved the sponge cake and most of us liked the dumpling too!


Preparations have now begun for our First Holy Communion. This week, we started to explore what the real meaning of this Sacrament is. We know that it’s the next important step in our faith journey and that we need to prepare ourselves to receive it. We discussed the different ways that we can try to do this, such as attend Mass every week and spend more time praying. We made promises to God and we will try to keep theses promises as we continue on our faith journey.


On top of all that, we have been finding out about a famous Victorian artist called Lowry. We spoke about his life and the kind of artist that he was. We recreated one of his most famous paintings, ‘A portrait of Ann’ and we think our versions look just like the real thing!

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