That Friday Feeling!

We’ve been working hard again this week in P4. We continued learning about information reports by looking at a fact file on Mrs McLean’s favourite character from the 1960s…Scooby Doo! We highlighted the important features and then we used what we learned to write an information report about Martin Luther King, who we have been researching for the past week as part of our 1960s topic…

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Today, we did some more work on our Roy Lichtenstein inspired pictures. We have been using templates to recreate some onomatopoeic words and backgrounds for our pictures. We are usingĀ dotĀ patterns in our pictures because Lichtenstein used this technique a lot too…

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Here is a sneak preview of some almost completed pieces that will soon be displayed for all to see…



And here’s one that’s mounted and ready…!


Wow! Can’t wait to see them all. Watch this space!

Finally, we used our P.E. time today to practise some moves for the forthcoming school show. Can you guess what famous, legendary artist’s songs we’ll be performing…?

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Happy Friday everyone!

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