Day 2, Still Smiling

Today we worked really hard again. We practised our handwriting and started by doing some hand exercises, then got down to work. Mrs McLean was really impressed by how well we concentrated – some of us even ended up with sore fingers because we tried so hard!

In the afternoon, we learned about God’s precious gift of life. We listened to the Creation story from the book of Genesis then we looked at some beautiful pictures of the earth that God created for us. We made bookmarks to remind us of what happened during the 7 days of creation…

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Here are some pictures of our wall displays from yesterday’s hard work…

OurOur Class Jigsaw - Everyone Fits oin
Our Class Jigsaw – Everyone Fits in!
OuHaving a positive Having attitude
Be a ‘Positive Polly’ – Anyone can work hard to get smarter!

And finally, today’s secret student was…Sean Michael. Tomorrow, Sean Michael gets to choose where he sits! Very well done!





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