Welcome to Primary 4!

Mrs McLean was delighted to welcome 26 happy, smiling Primary 4s into their new classroom today. It was lovely to begin to get to know one another all over again and we started the day off with a welcoming poem…


Next up, we talked about how everyone is an important part of our new class and we made individual pieces of a class jigsaw. All of the pieces in the jigsaw are different but they all fit together perfectly, just like us…

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In the afternoon, we learned a little bit about having positive and negative attitudes towards our learning. Mrs McLean explained that it’s okay if we find work challenging because it means we’re learning. It’s also okay to make mistakes, especially if we learn from them and keep working hard. Next, we met Positive Polly and Negative Nelly who had different ideas about learning. We looked at some statements and decided whether Positive Polly or Negative Nelly would have said them. We sorted them in our groups…

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And finally, here is our finished work after the groups fed back their ideas to Mrs McLean…


We worked really hard today and we will all sleep tonight! Very well done fantastic Primary 4!

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