The Stations of The Cross

This week in RE, we have been studying the Passion of Christ. We watched a very moving video clip about Jesus’ final journey and then we followed the Stations of the Cross in our classroom. Afterwards, we thought it would be a good idea to share The Stations of The Cross with others so we worked together to write our own versions of each station in our WAC jotter. Later we typed these out in the computer suite. We are now planning to visit the oratory with our writing and we are going to lead the Station we each wrote about.
Jesus meets women of Jerusalem the 8th station
Jesus continues the road ahead after he fell. Then he sees some women crying because they feel sorry for Jesus because he had to feel all the pain and needs to die for us. Instead of thinking about himself he thought about them and how they must feel so Jesus said take care of others and take care of your families and then Jesus walks away.
By Rebecca

Jesus walked slowly thour the lumpy
Grounds of Jerusalem with the heavy
Cross on his shoulder. Just then a woman
Came over to him .It was Jesus’s mother
Mary. Jesus was too sad to speak and so was his mother.

2 thoughts on “The Stations of The Cross”

  1. Reading this has reminded me of asking a few questions about the communion on the 11th May. What time does the service start? and also does the school hire out communion robes for the event?

  2. The First Holy Communion mass will begin at 10am, with the children asked to be in church by 9.40am. In St Bartholomew’s Parish, Fr Doherty doesn’t ask the children to wear albs/robes. He is happy for parents to dress their children in traditional dresses/suits/kilts. The children will bring home letters detailing the service closer to the day.
    Mrs O’Neill

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