Our Visit to Blairhouse Carehome

Today our class walked (in the rain!) to visit the residents of Blairhouse Carehome. We have been learning about care of the elderly in our community and so we thought it would be nice to visit our local carehome. We took the recycled hanging baskets we made and we entertained the residents with three songs. It made us all feel proud to have brought a little cheer to the residents on such a dreicht day. As a special surprise for one of the ladies, Winnie, Liam brought in a birthday cake and we all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her. She was really pleased. Karen, who works in the carehome said we were a fantastic class and she gave us sweets and juice as a thank you. It was a great visit and we all would like to visit our friends there again.

We walked in the rain to Blairhouse Carehome
This lady was so pleased when Paula gave her a hanging basket
We met some of the residents
We sang beautifully for the residents
Winnie loved her surprise birthday cake

One thought on “Our Visit to Blairhouse Carehome”

  1. Well done p.4/3. What a lovely thing to do! It looks as though the residents were delighted to have you as their guests.

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