St Bartholomew's Nursery

Woodland Adventures

February 8, 2025 by Mrs Ruddy | 0 comments

Some of the children visited the woodlands near the nursery to explore their surroundings and their wider world, and learn about nature. They had the opportunity to climb trees and work in teams to create faces from leaves and sticks etc. They also learned how to stay safe when animals are near by playing “robot shut down”

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Exploring books and sounds.

January 17, 2025 by Mrs Ruddy | 0 comments

The nursery children have been listening to the book of the month Hungry Hettie, exploring the plot and the characters of the book. They have been sounding out initials from the characters names and using letters to make some words from the book.

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January 9, 2025 by Mrs Ruddy | 0 comments

Our nursery children are learning about all about shapes. They have been busy identifying shapes, finding them around the nursery, sorting them and drawing them.

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December 6, 2024
by Mrs Whelan

Good Luck Mrs McKibbin

We would like to wish Mrs McKibbin good luck in her new career and we are going to miss her so much. Mrs Bolland, Mrs McIntyre, The Ladies and the children spent some time with her as she opened her gifts. Mrs McKibbin has worked in St Bartholomew’s for 18 years and has formed good relationships with families in Townhead Community.

Exploring numbers

November 22, 2024 by Mrs Ruddy | 0 comments

Our nursery children have been developing an awareness of numbers in the environment and comparing numbers to letters and sounds. They have also taken part in various number activities to develop this understanding.


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