All posts by Mrs MacIntyre

Thursday 11th June

Today we had a wonderful trip to Drumpellier Park where our tour guide Jackie taught us about all the animals we can find in the park and the different habitats. We learned a lot of new information and had great fun. We were very happy the sun was shining for us!

Monday 30th March

I want to say a huge thank you to all parents and family friends who sent in donation money for the children to take part in the sponsored readathon with their P6 Buddies, which the children very much enjoyed. We raised a very impressive £258 in Primary 1 Rockets from your kind donations. As you know all money is going to SCIAF, the children have been learning about this catholic charity and can agree its a very worthwhile cause. Many thanks again.
Miss Jackson and the Primary 1 Rockets

Tuesday 10th March

We have been using lots of activities to help us practice our CVC words and Miss Jackson has said how good we are getting at making our own CVC words. Here are some photographs of the activities we used today to help us, look at our fantastic work.

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We have been impressing Miss Jackson with how well we can sound out our words and blend these. We have even been making up our own CVC words ending in different sounds.


We have also been practicing our handwriting and creating sentences using our weekly spelling words (Miss Jackson helps us with the tricky words)

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Friday 6th March

Miss Jackson was over the moon on Friday when we all brought in our wonderful robots that we made at home for our homework challenge this week. She could not believe how much effort and time the children (with some help from mums and dads) put into these, they are wonderful! Well done boys and girls. Here are some photos to show you all the different kinds of robots that came to visit Primary 1 Rockets today.

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We have had a great time learning all about robots, what they are useed for, how they move and we also found out ab0ut some robots that can play football, dance, build things and even play the violin, I wonder if any of our robots could do that?!?


Thursday 26th February

Author Visit

Badger the Mystical Mutt

We were all so excited this afternoon because the authors of Badger the Mystical Mutt visited us in school to read some of their wonderful books with us, we all thought they were hilarious! Even Badger paid us a visit, he was certainly a very mischievous dog, he took quite a liking to Mr Young’s drum kit.

listening to the fantastic adventures of Badger.
listening to the fantastic adventures of Badger.
Badger the Mystical Mutt
Badger the Mystical Mutt
one of the authors reading some of her fantastic tales of Badger the Mystical Mutt.
one of the authors reading some of her fantastic tales of Badger the Mystical Mutt.

Thursday 26th February

Teddy Bears Picnic

Today in Primary 1 we had our teddy bears picnic. All the children were very excited to bring in their lovely teddy bears. We played some fun games such as pin the nose on the teddy and teddy bear treasure hunt where some children won some great prizes. Miss Jackson started to teach us the words to the song Teddy Bears Picnic. We have some yummy snacks and all had a great time. Here are some photographs to show you.

smiles all round at our picnic
smiles all round at our picnic


pin the nose on the teddy
pin the nose on the teddy



our special teddy bears
our special teddy bears

We have learned a lot about teddy bears as part of our topic and we are all very excited to visit Summerlee Heritage Park tomorrow to learn even more.

Tuesday 17th February

Fun with Maths!

We have all been having great fun this week learning to add and take away. We have been using games on the Smartboard and activities to help us practice this. We all love maths time because we get to work in our groups and with our shoulder partners. Look at some of our pictures below you can see we are having lots of fun but we are learning lots as well.

Using maths games on the Smartboard to help us to add.
Using cubes to help us take away
Creating our own addition sums.
Making our own sums for our partners to answer.
Addition and subtraction games.
Having great fun on the Smartboard practicing our subtraction skills.

5th February 2015

Toys Toys Toys!

We have had great fun this week researching a toy from the past. We all asked grandparents, mums and dads about toys they played with when they were younger, they were very different to the toys we all use now. We all made a fantastic effort in creating a poster about a toy from the past and some children even brought in the toy. We were all shocked that they didnt have iPads and computer games (how did they survive?!?) instead they used toys such as knitting Nancy’s and marbles!

We are loving learning all about our new topic. We will fill you in soon with more of our wonderful work!

Heres some of our great work to show you!

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