Banton Buddies

Read all about our learning here.

April 1, 2022
by Ms Paton

Easter fun with the Banton Buddies!

LI – to create an Easter egg using a variety of materials.

The buddies created their very own Easter eggs, they had to follow a process in order to build their design and ensure that it stayed in one piece! They used their creative thinking skills within the process, and were able to mix organic flour with water to create a papier mache paste. We also found items to add – which made the substance last longer.
They chose their own designs for the egg, and went through the step by step process of creating layers for their egg and then painting it using a variety of bright and vibrant colours!

LI – to use our problem solving skills to find answers.

The buddies also had lots of fun during their Easter orienteering around the school! They worked independently to find answers and could then use their skills, to work with others and give each other a hand or a clue!


Well Done P4/5/6!


Happy Easter!

March 17, 2022
by Ms Meechan
1 Comment

Outdoor Learning Day – Photography

This afternoon, P4/5/6 spent some time taking photographs around our school.  Inspired by a range of professional photos, we tried to take pictures from interesting angles.  We went up high, got down close to the ground and even dangled upside down to get the perfect shot! Check out the amazing results of our hard work! 🙂

March 17, 2022
by Ms Meechan
1 Comment

Outdoor Learning Day – Playground Poetry

Primary 4/5/6 had a fabulous morning writing poems about our playground.  We found some interesting items to write about then added some description using adjectives and alliteration.  Once our poems were written down it was time to think about performing them.  We explored using different tones and volumes to make our voices sound more interesting.  Some of us even added actions to keep our audiences entertained!

I’m sure you’ll agree that everyone did a fantastic job! Well done all! 🙂

February 7, 2022
by Ms Paton

Eco/Sustainability Focus Day!

P4/5/6 had a very busy day on Friday!

Click below to see our learning!


LI – to create a heart showing our love for the planet.

The class thought about our planet and what they loved the most about it! The class came up with ideas using images that showed the beauty of our world! They chose the things that they value the most, and came up with ideas on how we can protect these things – so that we can enjoy and have them for years to come!

LI- to identify the wonderful things in our world.

The class listened to the famous song ‘Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong and from listening to that – they had a think about what they felt was important to them. After we found this – we created our own lyrics and then decorated our sheets!

LI- to create a green seeded heart.

The class created fantastic, vibrant green hearts – which included seeds!

Have a look below…

P4/5/6 – Festive Fun!

January 9, 2022 by Ms Paton | 0 comments

Miss Paton and all of the team at Banton are very excited to welcome everyone back tomorrow!

Below is an update on what Primary 4/5/6 got up to over the festive period!

P4/5/6 used their fantastic creativity skills to create fabulous festive pieces of art! They used oil pastels and paint within their work.

The class created ‘Grinch’ pinching hands which were vibrant and eye catching!

LI – to create a piece of festive artwork using a character from a film.

The class created their own 3D snow globes which were painted and included pictures of themselves!

LI – to create a 3D piece of art.

The class created a nativity scene using a blend of colours and black card to create silhouettes.

LI – to understand what a silhouette is.
to create a nativity scene using paint.

Have a look below…


This gallery contains 15 photos

Positive Relationships in P4/5/6!

December 9, 2021 by Ms Paton | 0 comments

The buddies have been looking at positive relationships recently, they have been thinking about how to build them with others – and how to maintain them. We came up with a few fantastic ideas and incorporated them into our artwork! We looked at how to make others feel safe and cared for, to maintain eye-contact with others to show that we are listening to what they are saying and giving them our full attention, to support them when they need us, to be kind and caring and to be grateful for having them in our lives! P4/5/6 understood the importance of building positive and meaningful relationships with others!

This gallery contains 10 photos

November 25, 2021
by Ms Paton

Children in Need – 19.11.21

Primary 1-7 had a fantastic day of exciting events on Children in Need Day! Primary 1-3 hosted a competition to create a new outfit for Pudsey, P4-6 created their own T-shirts and P6-7 hosted races for the full school to take part in!

We held a ‘Name the Bear’ competition which raised lots of money for an excellent cause!

Well done Banton!

Have a look below to see what we got up to…

November 16, 2021
by Ms Paton

Outdoor Learning Day!

On Friday, Primary 4/5/6 had a very exciting day completing their Literacy and Maths work in their outside space. They completed a visualiser on a character from their current reading book and found evidence to create a mental image of this person to represent the ideas they have read in their text so far. Primary 4/5/6 also explored their recent work within subtraction, and searched through the sand on a treasure hunt to find the missing answers to their questions! They tested their partners maths skills and played some games of ‘buzz’ with a basketball using their knowledge of the times tables! They looked around their playground and created or spotted the shapes that they could see and find in the area around them…


LI – to create the 4 operations using YOURSELF!

LI- to find answers to equations within the sand.

LI – to test your partners maths skills.

LI – to practice our passing skills whilst using our times table knowledge.

LI – to use items in our playground and identify them as shapes.


LI – to create a visual image of – Trevor or Tina, Plop’s parents – Mr and Mrs Barn Owl, David, or Sam with a partner from your
reading group.

P4/5/6 then created self-assessment feedback on what they did really well and how confident they felt – they then noted down some steps for next time!


Remembrance Day!

November 11, 2021 by Ms Paton | 0 comments

In honour of Remembrance Day this year, Primary 4/5/6 decided to create their own art-work inspired by this. They were able to produce a bright display of poppies, created using tissue paper. The class understood the importance of this day through discussion within the classroom and this was represented by the care that was taken in their fantastic artwork. The class used a variety of resources such as paint and tissue paper. Their backgrounds can be seen through the poppies. The backgrounds were completed using different colours of paint, whilst silver and gold paint were provided for carefully outlining or edging over sections of their artwork.

LI – to progress our knowledge of Remembrance Day and be able to represent this through a piece of artwork.

November 8, 2021
by Ms Paton

Fantastic Fireworks!

Last week, the Buddies created an excellent Fireworks display which incorporated the use of line and shape. We discussed how a firework explodes as it shoots off into the sky, and the shape and size that it becomes once it reaches the air. We created this sky using thick felt tip pens and added a selection of fireworks to give us that bonfire night feeling!

LI – to explore the visual elements of line and shape.

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