Allanton Primary School and Nursery Class

School Improvement


Allanton Primary have four main areas for development as detailed in the School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Our Nursery Class will be developing the school priorities as well as one of their own.

Priority I                                                                                                                              

We will continue to ensure continued equity of access and opportunity for maximising learning in the broad general education.

Priority 2
We will establish a digital pedagogy across all stages of the curriculum, which engages learners and delivers a high quality learning experience for all children and young people.

Priority 3
We will continue to develop the young workforce focussing on skills for learning, life and work.

Cluster Priority

We will improve outcomes for children via implementation of the GIRFEC Pathway for Planning and Support refresh and the establishment of Integrated Cluster Wellbeing Teams and Bases.

Nursery Priority

We will establish a system using e-journals that tracks children’s progress and informs planning for learning.

We will improve learning experiences through responsive and intentional planning in different learning environments.

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