Allanton Primary School and Nursery Class

October 17, 2021
by Ms Arbuckle

!IMPORTANT! Arrangements for school building changes.

Tomorrow marks the first day of our new adventure.

Buses will leave at 8:30, children should report to the lower playground next to the football pitch. Staff will be there to assist children.

Please be mindful when parking to allow spaces for the children and note that children will not be allowed into the building if it is raining.

On Monday children will attend Calderhead for a day of health and wellbeing activities.
From Tuesday onwards children will attend Dykehead Primary school for learning.

From Monday children will attend Newmains Nursery class.

September 7, 2016
by Ms Arbuckle

Welcome Back!

Everyone has settled into their new classes very well and lots of interesting learning is taking place.  coming-soon%20(2)Stay tuned to our blog for updates from each class coming soon!


May 20, 2016
by Ms Arbuckle

P3/4 Bug Walk

On Friday 13th Room 3 went out a Bug Walk with David Walsh from the charity Bug Life.

We used our school garden and the nearby Kingshill Nature reserve to explore, observe and ask questions.  We demonstrated our skills and knowledge and learned lots of new facts.

We encountered frogs, spiders, bees, snails, flies and lots more.


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Back in class, we wrote thank you letters to David for taking us out and allowing us to have such a great experience, below are examples of our work.


letter to David by Evan

letter to David Chelsea

An extra special thanks to Mrs Watson and Mrs Gray for accompanying us on our walk.


March 30, 2016
by Ms Arbuckle

Spring Holidays!

A quick reminder that school will close at 2:30pm on Friday 1st April and will re-oen on Monday 18th April.


Have a great spring break everyone! 🙂

March 24, 2016
by Ms Arbuckle

ISS Model

One of our very talented P.7 pupils designed and made his own model of the International Space Station. It was so good the class decided we should tweet Tim Peake personally and let him see this superb piece of work! 😀🌌

Fingers crossed he gets back to us! 👍


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