Allanton Primary School and Nursery Class



We recognise that children benefit greatly from the mutual support of parents and teachers in encouraging them to learn both at home and at school. Indeed we see homework as an important way of establishing a successful dialogue between teachers and parents.

Homework plays a positive role in raising a child’s level of attainment. However, we also acknowledge the important role of play and free time in a child’s growth and development. While homework is important, it should not prevent children from taking part in the wide range of out-of-school clubs and organisations that play an important part in the lives of many children.

The home is a highly-effective learning environment and homework can be a mixture of both, oral or written tasks. Learning out of school should complement, strengthen and support the process of learning within the school. Each pupil has an individual Glow log in and can access on-line learning. Homework set by the school should give parents the opportunity to gain insight into some of the child’s work in class. It must, however, be appreciated that all of the learning experiences and activities of the 5 hour school day cannot be replicated within the context of homework.

It is important that parents take an active interest in their child’s homework and provide time and a suitable place for this activity. Parents will be given the opportunity to attend Glow workshops in order to support their child’s on-line learning. It is also important to value this work as worthwhile and to offer encouragement at all times. Full use should be made of the homework diary to record praise for your child’s work and to communicate with the teacher in a joint effort on your child’s behalf. If Homework is proving difficult, try to avoid confrontation and inform the class teacher who will provide support.

As from August 2020 Homework activities are suspended due to implications arising from the Covid 19 virus.

All homework should be signed by a parent or carer.

The school recognises that there are several purposes of homework. Among these are:

  • Allowing practice and consolidation of class work
  • Training for pupils in planning and organising time
  • Developing good habits and self-discipline
  • Encouraging ownership and responsibility for learning
  • Providing information to parents
  • Creating channels for home/school dialogue

General guide to homework tasks –

Below is an outline of the type of tasks you might expect your child to undertake in the course of their primary school career.

Phonics – at the early stages children will have phonics work to complete. This will be tasks relating to the sounds they are learning in school. Children will continue to work on phonics until they show a clear understanding of letter sounds and are able to blend them to create new sounds and words.

Spelling – Once children are able to work with individual letter sounds and blend them to make other sounds they will progress to spelling exercises. Children are asked to complete spelling work using the strategies taught to achieve a solution. Parents should draw their attention to any errors made and encourage them to correct it.

Maths – Please help your child with this work by drawing their attention to any errors and encouraging them to try again.

Reading – Even when your child has become an independent reader, it is still extremely important to read to, and talk with your child about what they are reading, asking them questions and encouraging them to ask questions about the text and its meaning. They should be encouraged to read with expression and develop a sense of reading to an audience.

Challenges/IDL – these will be set from time to time, approximately once a term and may be of a cross curricular nature. Children at all stages will be set homework challenges. Children will be given clear guidance from their teacher about the task.


Time and Frequency Guidance

Early Level        10- 15 minutes

First Level         10-20 minutes

Second Level       15-30 minutes

Homework will be issued daily on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Children can hand in completed homework either on Thursday or Friday.


Policy developed in consultation with parents, pupils, parent council and staff (October 2017)


Reviewed August 2020

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