P1/2 Budding little gardeners 🍃

P1/2 have taken responsibility for the planting tubs at the back of the school. They were very overgrown with weeds and enormous jaggy nettles and needed some serious TLC. The children spent Wednesday afternoon making a start on weeding the boxes. The children worked very hard and it was great to see them working together, sharing space, resources and all getting stuck in. They were also very excited to find

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P1/2 Sunflowers

The children have been caring for their sunflowers at home and haven’t they been doing a wonderful job? They are growing very tall and a few even have a bud forming at the top.  Some children didn’t have success with their first seeds so they have planted new ones and are watching them grow.   I can’t wait to see them when they start to bloom. Well done everyone.

P1/2 Trip to Glasgow Science Centre

We all had a fantastic day at the Glasgow science centre today. The children has great fun playing, exploring and learning together. They were extremely well behaved and a credit to Aitkenhead. We went to a workshop all about senses and the children loved it. They were able to use their sense of smell and touch to guess the objects in the feely boxes and the smell tubs.  They didn’t stop

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P1/2 Learning Outdoors in the Sunshine

Primary 1/2 enjoyed taking our numeracy and maths outside into the sunshine. The children investigated the volume of different containers and discussed which containers held more, less and the same.  The children also used meter stick to measure the length of different items in the playground to find the longest and shortest items.  

P1- Visit from a firefighter 👩‍🚒

Today the children enjoyed a visit from a firefighter. The children learned all about the different roles that a firefighter has and got to see all of the kit that they have to wear when they are dealing with a fire. The children loved the visit and enjoyed seeing Mrs Lowe all dressed up in the kit, Alfie then got a chance to wear it too. It was very heavy

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P1- Visit from Mrs Zokas

The children enjoyed a very interesting visit from Mrs Zokas today as part of our People Who Help Us topic. She told the children a little about the organisation ‘Maggie’s’ which she works for and all about the wonderful fundraising work she does for them.  The children got to experience giving money to charity in the collection tub and had to guess how many sweeties were in the jar. The

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P1- Visit from Mrs McGown

Today we invited Mrs McGown to come to our class and tell us all about her job and how she helps people. She has been a janitor in our school for 19 years and the children couldn’t believe all the things that she does every day to keep everyone safe and happy. The school would not be the same without her and the children are very lucky to have someone

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P1 World Book Day 📚

We had a great day celebrating World Book day.  The children all came to class dressed as their favourite characters and all looked fantastic! The P7 buddies came to our class and shared a story with us, it was lovely spending quality time sharing our favourite stories with our buddies. Then we read our class story of ‘There is a snake in my school’ by David Walliams and took part

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P1 Pancake Tuesday 🥞

The boys and girls loved having pancakes today in class. They had to spread on their choice of topping and then cut it carefully into 2 or 4 pieces. There were lots of ‘mmmmm yummy’ noises when it came to eating them.

P1 Symmetry

We have been learning about symmetry this week. The children have been drawing  pictures, painting and using construction to make symmetrical patterns.