P7 trip to Dynamic Earth and Parliament
Primary 7 had the opportunity to go to both Dynamic Earth and the Scottish Parliament. A lot of fun and information piled into one day!
At Dynamic Earth, the children were taken on a journey to the rainforest. Here they learned all about the forest floor, right up to the emergent layer and the animals that lie within. They got the chance to be detectives and find the animal that matched a description card. I think we were all happy the tarantula wasn’t alive!
After this, we all went a short walk across to the Parliament building. We were taken through security, where the children thought they were going on holiday! Once inside, we were investigating the history of the Parliament through various artifacts. We even got the chance to act like MSPs in the Chamber and finished off our day with a fun quiz on the iPads 🙂
We hope you enjoy looking through our pictures, as much a we enjoyed our day!
P.S keep an eye out for us on the Scottish Parliament Twitter page @EducationSP