Tag Archives: Kilbowie

Home Sweet Home

Hope everyone is enjoying yourself and relaxing this weekend. Every time I sit down to relax …..I fall asleep. Hopefully I’ll be able to stay awake on Monday……

It was a great week and I just wanted to tell your parents that they should be proud of you!  I certainly was – you  pushed yourselves to try something new and didn’t give in! Even when it was pouring !

I also can’t believe how tidy all your rooms were 🙂 Amazing!

Lesley thanks once again for all your help.

It’s a thought I know but I’ll see you all on Monday morning.



On Tuesday, everyone wet rock climbing. It was so fun. There were 3 different roues to climb up he first rock. Two were small and one was a zigzag way. The small one was quite easy and we were allowed to do it without a rope. The second one was harder but still easy too. We had he rope an harnesses on this time it was a zigzag way and it was so much fun. Then we went up a straight one but it was pretty hard so we needed the rope. We went up with partner and sometimes we got pulled up the rocks. Although it was hard it was really fun. Some groups got to do abseiling as well. There were 4 people holding the ropes and one person climbing, then, the 4 people came forward slowly to let the person down.


Ella,Tammie and Evan. Continue reading Activities

Day 4

All is quiet…..shh. We are just waiting on our lovely LOUD alarm. I wonder if the boys and girls will wake up dancing as they have the last two mornings or will they be too tired ? Who knows?  We will find out soon enough!

Sky looks a bit overcast but it’s not raining yet 🙂

Keep you posted!


He he he ..I knew it -nobody stirred! We are early breakfast this morning – 8.15 but it gets harder every day to get up….. Our cereal and toast and jam await…

Continue reading Day 4

Day 3 (con’t)

I spoke too soon!!!! The weather this morning turned windy and wet but it didn’t stop the fun! The activities today were orienteering, Safari and hillwalking and what a hill it was! Rhys says it was enormous  and it was so windy on the top, he felt as if he could fly! Ruairidh also said it was amazing because on top of the huge mountain they all got to hug a rock called Eric! -simple pleasures eh?

Safari according to Fraser and Harry was AWESOME! They got the closest to seagulls that they have ever been. Derek, the instructor (who the children said was hilarious), called about 30 birds down to the football field and fed them. He held out a plastic bag full of crisps and a seagull grabbed it with his beak and pulled it away, spilling all the crisps. It was so funny and very informative too.

The orienteering was  a laugh, especially when some groups couldn’t find the markers and they were almost standing on them! The instructor said he would come back in the morning to collect them they were taking so long……

Tonight we are doing the famous  ‘night line’ .We are just going off to get ready….P1010214 P1010218 P1010219 P1010252 P1010254 P1010259 P1010266 P1010267 P1010270 P1010272 P1010274 P1010275 P1010277 P1010278 P1010281 P1010290 P1010291 P1010295

I’ve chosen a few snaps to post tonight I hope they load before tomorrow….



Day 2

Wow what a busy day today! The weather was great all day. Although it was cold in the morning, the sun shone all afternoon which meant that all our groups could get on the water (and in it! )

We had some skiing on the dry ski slopes, abseiling and rock climbing and of course canoeing! Yea! All the children were terrific and tried their very best. They have really enjoyed today.  At the moment they are all outside  doing an ‘aeroplane activity’ with Mrs Russell and Mrs  Bodin (and all the other children and staff)  to let me update you on what is happening.  I have included a few photographs . (I hope)

I think the forecast for tomorrow isn’t as good but it won’t stop us from  having a great time 🙂

Will try to add some more photos when I can.It is taking ages to download images 🙁

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