Category Archives: Technologies


Everyone loves Dorito’s, but no one has seen them like this before!!

The Mexican Dorito gang: ‘Hot’ Luis – he’s the Boss!, ‘Cool’ Juarez – who likes to chill and salty Poolpo – the one who is wild and free, Pablo – the ‘hot’ dog and crispy cat-Kitcato, spend the day together in the comfort of their home, like every other Dorito day. But thay had NOT prepared for what was about to happen!

After they take a dip in some hot Dorito sauce their cute little Dorito doggy, Pablo, has a rumble in the super salsa. Resulting in chaos and calamity. The Dorito gang’s lives could end in crumbs! Can Kitcato save the day?? Is the dip too spicy?? Where is the tequila?? Who ate the dip??

This can only mean one thing – Once you dip you can’t trust anyone!

Filmed in a haphazard, exciting manner, the film captures the handmade characters at their best as they play, dance and run for their lives.

Below are a few photos of the stills and sets used for the stop-motion animation.

Click on a thumbnail image below to view larger image.

Filmed at Summerlee Photomedia Suite, Coatbridge by The Willowbank Film Team.

The full animation will be uploaded to our blog soon.


Pupils from Willowbank School received their first lesson in photography at the Summerlee Photomedia Suite in Coabridge last week. The pupils were introduced to new technologies including SLR digital cameras and advice on how to take the ‘perfect picture’. Pupils learned about ‘The rule of thirds’ from freelance photographer and cameraman Iain. The rule of thirds is a compositional rule of thumb in visual arts such as painting, photography and design. The rule states that an image should be imagined as being divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced vertical lines and two equally-spaced horizontal lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections as research shows that is where the human eye naturally focuses.

Here are some of the photos the pupils took whilst trying to keep ‘The rule of thirds’ in mind when shooting.

Click on a thumbnail image below to view full size image.