Parents as Partners

Parents have worked hard all around the school this week. Nicole and Devlin’s Mums painted the display boards in the corridor. A number of parents and grandparents work in the school, they  hear reading, prepare nursery snacks, tidy shelves and help teachers in and around classrooms. We could not do without their help!

On Wednesday night the Parent Council held their monthly meeting and on Friday a large number of parents and friends attended our Ladies’ Night in the church hall. The night was a great success and the Parent Council raised almost five  hundred pounds which will go towards making our outdoor classroom. Many thanks to all parents who support the school.

6 thoughts on “Parents as Partners”

  1. Well done to everyone in the Parent Council who organised the ladies night. A good night was had by all and a fantastic amount of money raised!

  2. You are certainly creating a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere for visitors to St Thomas’ PS

  3. What a fantastic night!
    Great to see a such a well supported fun evening.
    Looking forward to our next one.

    Having our fundraising goal (outdoor classroom) gives everyone a reason to support our fundraising events.

  4. Thank you for your comment Mrs Paterson, it was a great night and the grounds are beginning to look very interesting – watch this space!

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