Monday 10th of June – Friday 14th of June 2013

Our school was very quiet this week! Primary 7 were at Ravenscraig for their transition sports on Monday and then in SAHS on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr Finnon, Mr Duffy and myself joined them on Wednesday afternoon for Mass.

Our August Primary 1 children joined us on Tuesday morning. The children spent the day in their classes with Mrs Archibald and Miss Dormer while I spoke to their parents. Our present Primary 1 then put on our annual fashion show. They were very cute and showed off all of the uniform options we have. The new starts then joined their parents for lunch. They had chicken curry, pizza or sandwiches followed by strawberry tart or caramel cake.

Wednesday 12th of June was our Nursery Graduation. They were a delight and we were very emotional as we watched their year in pictures.

Thursday 13th we had our annual “Shorts and Shades” disco run by the Parent Council. They made over £200 profit. They are raising funds to help with outdoor learning this session.Thank you ladies!

Friday 14th we enjoyed the P1 assembly. the children were fantastic and entertained us with their singing, dancing and acting! The whole school then left the hall dancing to “Kung Fu Fighting”

Parents had the opportunity to see the art produced by the nursery, P1, P2, P2/3 and P3. Their pictures were fabulous and will be sent home to parents this week.

Next week we are looking forward to Sports’ Day on Tuesday, our P7 Graduation on Wednesday and then the visit from the Scottish Ambulance Service which takes place on Friday.

Art Exibition
Art Exibition

Art Exibition

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