Monday 13th – Friday 17th of January

This week we are now settled back into our school routines and working hard.

Our topics this term are all to do with Scotland.

Our first level children are looking at New Lanark and finding out about David Dale and Robert Owen. They will spend the day on a visit to New Lanark Village towards the end of this block of work.

A number of  classes are looking at birds this term, the children in the nursery class are looking at all kinds of birds and animals while Mrs Ward’s class will work with the RSPB and study the birds found in our local area. P3 and P3/4 are studying The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark. We hope to have some special flying visitors in the classes this term.

Mrs Hamilton’s class will be heading to Edinburgh as part of their Scotland topic. Their class novel is set in Edinburgh and the children hope to visit some of the sites they are reading about.

The theme in the playroom this term is Scotland and when I visted this week the children were  building castles, painting and working with playdough.  I am looking forward to seeing how the learning develops.

Miss Donnelly’s class visited the Science Centre this week and are now eagerly awaiting the delivery of their brown trout babies. They will look after them until they are ready to be released into a nearby river or stream.

On Tuesday 14th Mrs Rae’s class led the liturgy at Mass in the church. they sang and read beautifully. Their offertory gifts were thoughtful and appropriate. Please pray for them as they continue on their faith journey, this year they will receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time.

We were very fortunate to have a visit this week from Mrs Isobelle Boyd, our new Head of Service. She spent time with Primary 6/7 and 7, she was very impressed with their confidence as they explained about their learning and recent school improvements. She also spent time in the Rainbow Room and enjoyed watching  the children play the alphabet game.

Mr Pat Kelly from Law Athletics joined the children for assembly this week. He told the children all about a new group he is starting up. If your child is interested and you require further information please contact the school office. The children also continued in their preparation for the Comonwealth Games. A number of our assemblies will be based around the games this term.

This week we met some of the new children who will be joining us in August this year. We have over thirty children registered so far. If you know someone who has a child who attains the age of five before March 31st 2015 please ask them to visit the school as soon as possible.

Next week Miss Chambers will take over as class teacher for P3/4.

Next Thursday (23rd) P1 and P7 will have their school dental checks.

On that day Primary one will also begin their Micrifitness block. Please make sure your child has a full P.E. kit.

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