Sunday 22nd of November

last week started with our inset day. All staff who had not completed Solihull training took part in a full day session with Cheryl, a nursery head and Fiona a health visitor. We now have all of our staff trained in this approach. Mrs Preston and Pauline our CLD worker have led a ten week session for parents this term. We hope to work with parents again next year.

I have completed the trainer programme and am now a Solihull trainer. I will begin training workers from across NLC agencies in the near future.

Some staff worked on our nursery to primary one  transition with staff from Thornlie Primary.

Mrs Murphy from Cathedral Primary spoke to some staff about our Big Writing programme. Staff then cascaded this information at a meeting on Friday. Mrs Preston and myself took the children at this time and taught them some of the Scottush songs we will sing at our St Andrew’s Sing-a-long next week.

On Tuesday I met with a representative from a shelving company. We ordered some new shelving for the area behind the hall. We hope to be able to store all of our resources in this area. The funding for the shelving is coming from the budget for the new two year old provision.

I attended a meeting after school on Tuesday where we looked at our digital learning programme in school. Mr Finnon and Miss Roy will carry out an audit of this and then we will develop it as part of next session’s improvement plan.

Miss Roy and Miss Ness attended a maths champion’s meeting after school. They looked at how we teach maths across the cluster. This is a focus for our liaison this year.

A large number of staff went to Castlehill Primary for  flu jabs this week. We hope to be healthy throughout the Winter!

On Friday we had a surprise visit from Paul Jukes, the new executive director of NLC. He spent some time meeting the children and staff. His son attended our school many years ago!

He sent an email on Friday evening to staff, thanking them for their commitment and hard work.

Next week I am looking forward to listening to Robin Grille speaking about nurturing schools.


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