Friday 24th of April

Today our nursery children headed to Purves Puppets in Biggar with their parents. They had a great trip. There are a number of pictures on their Twitter page @stthomasnursery.

Tony Begley from Classrooms For Malawi visited the school on Friday and spoke to the children at a special assembly. We are very fortunate as we are going to be twinned with a school in Malawi and we hope to be in contact with them through letters and e-mails. We will formally launch our partnership on our patronal day which we will hold this year on June 2nd. There will be a special Mass in the church at ten and then a coffee morning and open day. We hope then to hold a coffee morning each month throughout the year. The children will be responsible for organising these events.

Today I spent time looking at a selection of  the children’s literacy jotters. I am very pleased with the progress the children are making.

Mr Finnon was out of class today organising events to mark the the P7 Leavers. There will be a Mass and Graduation. The children also took a letter home about their Leavers’ Trip which will be a visit to the new Sky Academy TV Studios followed by a visit to Edinburgh Dungeons and The Hard Rock Cafe. I have spoken to the children about their final weeks in school, I told them they should enjoy them as they will pass in a flash!


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