Week beginning Monday 1st of September

This week started with a meeting with Liz Fitzpatrick who develops programmes for use in schools in her company PLAYBACK. We piloted a new health programme last year and this is now being sent to the publishers. Its is always interesting to be at the forefront of new developments!

On Tuesday we celebrated the first Mass of the new term. The theme was NEW BEGINNINGS. Primary 7 led the liturgy very successfully and set the standard for this year! . Our Mass was in the school hall and our Primary 1 children did very well.

I attended our first Parent Council meeting this week. They have planned a Ladies’ Night as their first fund raiser. Please support them! The next meeting will be the AGM. If you are interested in being involved then this is your opportunity?

Date and time will be sent out in a text.

On Thursday and Friday I attended the CHAPS conference in St Andrew’s. CHAPS stands for Catholic Headteacher Association of Primary Schools. Archbishop Cushley concelebrated Mass. Our Head of Service Isobelle Boyd gave a very interesting and informative talk on Cardinal Newman. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with HTs from across Scotland.

The new sexual education programme GOD’S LOVING PLAN was launched at the conbference. I am including some pictures of our children doing their work outdoors – fabulous learning taking place!

Primary one on a number treasure hunt