Week beginning Monday 25th of August

This week started with Mrs Preston and myself spending the day in Primary one while Mrs Archibald and Mrs Lettis attended a day with Linda Keith. They are taking part in a pilot which involves making sure the transition from nursery to primary is much smoother and meets the needs of all learners through play. We had a very tiring but enjoyable day! The children watched the story of Jack and The Beanstalk on the smart board and then  made playdough giant’s faces. they  spent time doing some detailed drawing and emergent writing. Mrs Preston and I spent a long time poring over their work and chatting about it!

On Tuesday we had our first fire drill of the term. The first drill is always announced beforehand. This gives the teachers time to chat to the children about the need for calm and quiet when they hear the bell. The school cleared and all of the registers were checked in just over four minutes. We will get this down with practice!

Mrs Preston, Miss Roy and myself met with our new nusery speech and language therapists. Naomi and Zania are part of a “test of change” pilot which allows them to work in the nursery with staff and parents. This includes monthly drop-in sessions for interested parents and staff.

I attended an Early Years’ Collaborative multi-agency meeting in Edward Lawson Centre this week. A number of support groups attended and many new connections were made. I was especially interested to hear abour the “Dolly Parton Imagination Library Foundation” they supply books to Looked After children.

On Thursday I attended a heads of establishment meeting. Agenda items included information about the upcoming flu vaccine programme.

Thursday evening we had avery successful Meet The Teacher Night. Parent evaluations indicate that parents valued the opportunity to meet the new teachers and to hear about Assessement in St Thomas’ Primary

Parents were given the opportunity to purchase phonic boards for P1 and P2 children. If you didn’t attend but would like to purchase a board please contact the school office.

On Friday I attended St Aidan’s High School’s annual Patronal Mass. It was a beautiful Mass said by Bishop Toal. This was followed by lunch with staff and sixth year.

Mrs Preston attended an Early Years Collaborative meeting in Richard Stewart nursery on Friday.

May 2014

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Primary One went to Strathclde Park this week to enjoy the annual picnic in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice

Cook Island Style

The girls i Primary 7 dressed up in their home made Cook Island outfits today!

Outdoor Learning

It is lovely to see the children outside learning in the lovely weather!

Celebrate success

We continue to celebrate success each week at assembly.

Bag Packing Girls

The nursery parents managed to get a bag packing slot in Tesco this weekend, well done to all of the volunteers who came along and helped raise funds for the nursery trip

Making Indian drinks

Our primary one and nursery children continue working on their interdisciplinary topic on India

Lucky girl!

Here is a picture of the lucky primary one who won our Clyde Mascot toy this week

Week Beginning April 28th

Travel Plan

Parents, staff and children worked with NLC Road Safety team this on our school travel plan.

Commonwealth Assembly

We enjoyed an active assembly this week – and learned all about the Commonwealth

Kilbowie Meeting

Parents and children met this week to chat about the visit to Kilbowie which is in a few weeks

Eyes Down

The Parent Council held a very successful Bingo Night this week. All proceeds will go to the outdoor adventure playground

Maths is fun....

Our nursery parents met and had fun teaching their children maths this week!