W/B 22nd of April

We returned to school on 22nd of April following our Easter Break. The children are looking very brown, they are settled and working really hard. They have enjoyed having the packed lunches outside some days this week. ~They are great at following the no litter rule. The school yard looks very impressive. This was commented on by a member of NLC Health and Safety team who visited this week.

Staff will begin preparing  report cards this term and they will be distributed to parents later in the term.

Staff spent time in the yard at our staff meeting on Tuesday this week. They were looking at ways we can use the new area which has been developed for outdoor learning. The children have been tasked with coming up with a name for the area!

The Parent Council met on Wednesday evening, I spoke to them about staffing for next session. We also organised our Bingo Night and started forward planning for our Summer fayre on Saturday 7th of June.

At assembly on Friday P4-7 talked about COMMUNITY and what they thought made a good community. They came up with some great ideas and we are going to display them in our own Saint Thomas’ Primary and Nursery Class Community Charter .

Remember we are on Twitter @saintthomas – you will find up to date tweets and pictures. Next week’s diary is now on.

Mrs Cruickshank