School Travel Plans

Following a really productive Parent Council meeting, we have embarked on devising a travel plan for the school. The “Career Kids” are taking this forward and will be sending out letters to our parents and partners shortly. They have already surveyed all of the children from Primary 4 – 7. Look out for them in the mornings and at three o’clock!

Enrolment Masses

On Tuesday and Thursday this week children receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation gathered to celebrate Mass and  to enrol in their local parish.

Tuesday was the turn of St Thomas’ Parish and Thursday was the turn of Saint Patrick’s Parish.

Children were great on both evenings.

A big thank you to the staff of Saint Thomas’ Primary, they give their time willingly (without pay) to support the children. We could not do what we do without their goodwill. I truly appreciate all they do.