Kilbowie Trip

Primary seven children have been at Kilbowie Outward bound Centre this week. I was fortunate to be able to join them from Monday until Wednesday. I spent time gorge walking, sailing and doing the night line. I also made 100 slices of toast for supper!

We shared the week with pupils from St Aidan’s Primary and Redburn Special School. It was a joy to see the  children make friends with the children from Redburn. They were patient and kind and tried to include the children in all of their activities. We hope to invite our friends from Redburn to the opening of our adventure zone.

The children took part in some difficult challenges and spent time away from their parents – all of the children managed to do this well.  I am very proud of them!

Adventure Garden

Our adventure garden is progressing really well. We need to think about what we will call it and how we will ensure everyone gets a fair turn to use it. The children are really excited. The next steps will be to complete the willow tunnels and and scatter wild flowers over the tyre stacks.

Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken

We have eggs in the nursery and in primary 3 and 4. The children have enjoyed learning all about the living eggs. They will give a presentation about what they have learned at assembly next week. They have named the chicks after characters from the bible! The nursery eggs are due to hatch next week. They have been nestling quietly in the nursery for three weeks now!