Our Faith Week

Our Faith week  continued yesterday with visits from Pamela from St Andrew’s Hospice and Michael McGrath, Director of SCES. Michael brought the materials for the children studying for the Pope Francis Faith Award. I noticed some very bright wrist bands – look out for them when you are in school! The Parent Council started their meeting in the Oratory last night. It was a wonderful start to our meeting. The agenda covered a number of items including the dropping off  arrangements at the front of the school. Watch this space……

Today we welcomed our old friend Father John. He is currently covering for Father Chromy in his new parish St Leonard’s in EK. Father spent time with our P6/7 who told him all about their sponsored car race at the end of last session. They gave Father a check for £100. This will be given to a fellow priest in Africa who is trying to build a school.

We welcomed two special visitors today, Mr George Burns and Mrs Mhairi Mc Callum. They spoke to the children about prayer and HCPT. The children were, as always, a credit to their parents and carers.

Primary One have enjoyed their second Microfit session today. I must confess to having a wee shot on the bouncy castle – a sight to behold!

A reminder that tomorrow we have Owl Magic in school for our infant and nursery children.

Primary 3 and 3/4 will lead the liturgy at Mass tomorrow afternoon in school at 1.30. Please join us if you can.

God’s Special week

This week we are very privileged to have the Blessed Sacrament in school. We have made a special Oratory.  It feels very peaceful and calm. The older children and staff have been taking the opportunity to visit in their free time. All classes are timetabled throughout the week. The children have been meditating and praying together. On Monday afternoon two senior pupils undertaking The Caritas Award in St Aidan’s High School spoke to our senior pupils about the award. They also joined P3, P3/4 and P4 to talk about prayer.

At lunchtime today I joined a group of seniors during our lunch break to say the rosary. It was the very best part of my day!

A number of parents have joined the children in the Oratory throughout the week.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 5th of February we welcome Michael Mc Grath to speak to the Primary 6 and 7 children about their invitation to take part in the Pope Francis Award.

Staff from St Andrew’s Hospice will visit the infant classes to talk to the children about prayer.

Our Primary 7 parents are invited to a meeting before the children go on their Kilbowie Adventure in March. The meeting starts at three thirty.

Our Parent Council will meet in the school at 6.30. The meeting will begin with a reflection before the Blerssed Sacrament. All members of the parent forum are invited to attend.