Monday 27th of January 2014

We have an important week coming up in school. Our Sacramental meetings take place in the hall this Tuesday 28th. Parents of children making their First Confession should come along at 6p, First Communion at 6.30pm and Confirmation at 7pm. The class teachers involved will take parents through the programmes taught in school, Fr Frank and Fr Kristof will be there to answer any questions.

Pauline Russell our Parent Support Worker is running classes throughout this term. If you are interested in finding out more please contact the school office.

We have some new staff members this term, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Forsyth have joined us as additional support assistants. They are working in P1 and P3. Welcome ladies!

And finally…. I received word that the school is going to be painted over the next few weeks. We are once again moving resources around!  A big thank you to the parents  who are busy helping us get organised. It will be worth it to see the place looking fresh and clean after the rewire. The children are also going to have new desks and chairs. The building is improving every day and the children and staff  appreciate all of the improvements.