Wise Guys and Starry Skies

This week we will be working very hard to complete the school show in time for our dress rehearsal next Sunday afternoon in Clyde Valley High School.

Parents should have received a newsletter last week.

Primary 6 had a great day at Motherwell Library and Motherwell Heritage Centre. They did some writing following their visit and Mrs Hamilton was thrilled with the standard. Keep it up Primary Six.

Some Primary six and seven children attended Sports’ Hall Athletics at The Ravenscraig Sports Centre. They performed brilliantly and were narrowly beaten into second place. What a team!

Our St Andrew’s Day Coffee Morning and Sing-A-Long was very successful on Friday and the children raised £350 for their charities.

On Tuesday this week staff from St Andrew’s Hospice will speak to children in Primary 2 and Primary 4, the children will then be selling little hospice Christmas badges for £1 and they will put trees up in St Thomas’ Parish and St Patrick’s Parish. Please support them.

There is a Parent Council Meeting this Wednesday at 6.30pm. All parents are welcome to attend.

On Thursday this week we welcome the cast of Aladdin to our school. All children including those in the nursery will see pantomime. O yes they will……

Interim Reports will be distributed in the school post this Friday – please check your child’s bag!

On Friday night when the children go home staff will stay behind and set out the crib, the Christmas tree and the decorations. It is always lovely to see the children’s faces when they return on the Monday and Christmas has arrived in school.

Tickets go on general sale for the school show starting from Monday 2nd of December.

REMINDER – There will be a technical / dress rehearsal of the school show in Clyde Valley High School next SUNDAY at 2pm. Parents should drop children and return at five to collect them.

The adventure play area continues to take shape….