Charity Car Racing

Primary 6/7 held a charity car race to help raise funds for Father John who is helping build a school in Cameroon. The children built their vehicles and dressed in their pyjamas then raced around the school carrying their cars. They had great fun and entertained all the younger children who came out into the yard to watch the fun. Well done children! Remember do not go out to strangers doors collecting sponsor money!


Children and staff gathered in the dinner hall on Friday 11th October to wish Mrs Anne Delaney a very happy retiremnt from the school kitchen. We thanked her for her long and dedicated service to our school.

She has kept on her breakfast supervisor role so it’s business as usual after the holidays in the breakfast club!

Halloween Fun

On Thursday 24th of October we had our annual Halloween disco. This was very well attended with over 250 tickets sold.

Mr Duffy (a gingerbread man) and Miss Roy (a scary Little Red Riding Hood) entertained the children by providing the disco and party games. Mrs Hughes, Miss Dormer and Miss Ness also helped with the little ones.

Many thanksĀ  to our Parent Council who organised and supervised – your costumes were excellent too!

We could not do without the help of staff and parents who give their free time willingly. Many thanks!

Christmas Show News

We have been very busy since returning to school after the half term holiday. We have decided on our Christmas show – it is called “Wise Guys” and is the story of the three kings and their journey to Bethlehem. It is funny and tells the true meaning of Christmas in a very entertaining way. We have booked Clyde Valley High School Theatre for the 9th and 10th of December. There will be a dress rehearsal on Sunday 8th of December. Any parents who can help us with costumes and props should contact the school office. We appreciate your help.

The infants will be doing their own version of the nativity in the church on Thursday 12th of December.