Farewell Father Chromy…

On Thursday afternoon we had a wonderful thanksgiving Mass for Father Chromy. The children in Mr Duffy’s class led the liturgy. They read with great confidence. The children chose the hymns and sang out very well. This was the first time primary one were present at a school Mass. They were excellent! All of the children behaved beautifully, they sat in silence before Mass started despite the chatting from our invited guests at the back of the hall! They soon got the message and sat quietly with the children.

Father was delighted to welcome so many former colleagues from both Saint Matthew’s and Saint Thomas’ Primary Schools. Mr Shaw and Mrs McGhee, former Head Teachers of Saint Matthew’s and Mrs Crawley former Head Teacher of Saint THomas’ joined us for Mass along with aproximately twenty five other guests. Father King arranged a buffet and gat together in the Church Hall afterwards. Father Chromy contacted me on Friday evening to say many thanks to the children, parents, staff and former staff for their attendance and for the generous gifts.