Friday 6th of September

This week started with an excellent turn out at our “Meet The Teacher” evening. See pics below.

I would like to thank all of the teachers who gave their time to welcome new parents and give them some useful information about the routines and procedures in each class. Parents were very positive in their evaluations. They also enjoyed finding out about “bucket filling” in Saint Thomas’. Many parents commented that they were going to try out some of the strategies and techniques at home. That news certainly filled my bucket!

I have been very fortunate to spend the last two days at the national Catholic Head Teachers’ Conference (CHAPS) in Saint Andrew’s. There were many highlights including a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Tartaglia.

It was also a great chance to catch up with fellow Catholic Head Teachers from across Scotland. We were each given a gift of a framed photograph of Pope Francis. I will display this on the front desk in the foyer as soon as we have decorated the foyer. The rewire continues to cause some disruption however we are working hard to make sure that teaching and learning remains our main focus.

This week we had a visit from a community team from Santander – the group gave us £250 which we spent on paint for the garden furniture and on a power washer.  They spent the whole day painting and cleaning and made a massive difference to the look of the school building  and the furniture. The task is not finished and we would welcome any parent who can lend a hand with the painting or power washing.

And finally…….

We are awaiting some new members of Saint Thomas’ Primary School Community! Here are some clues: They will live in the foyer? They will be fed by the children! mmmmm………….

Santander Community DayPrimary 7

Nursery Parents meet the teacher