Friday 23rd August 2013

Our primary 7 buddies have been excellent this week, helping to make sure the little ones have a very smooth transition to primary one.

Primary One enjoyed visiting the mobile library this week. Parents should complete the library card to allow every child to borrow a book from the library on future visits.

The CHILDSMILE team visited primary one today, children whose parents had  signed up during our induction period were treated by the Childsmile nurses.

Our new nursery children have settled very well and are enjoying the new garden play equipment. Well done and thank you  to our four primary seven who built the equipment!

Friday 18th of August

A big welcome back to all of our children. They look great, they have all grown a bit taller and their uniforms are lovely.

Primary one had a very successful day. We had one or two tears to begin with but everyone soon cheered up and by lunchtime it was smiles all round!  The parents didn’t cope so well!!!

Monday primary one begin at 8.55. Children and parents should wait at the gate until a member of staff collects them.