Open top bus… beats of Brazil… and Brainiacs!

We had a very busy four days in school this week after our holiday weekend.


I spent time teaching primary 7, we looked at Scottish mythical creatures, story telling and the Orkney Islands. The children set themselves some targets and then worked hard in pairs until two thirty researching, writing and drawing. They set their own tasks and timescales and the finished results were very good. I especially enjoyed reading Owen and Sean’s story.

Our caterpillars survived the long weekend and are growing plumper everyday!


Elle, Dawid, Alfie and Chloe spent Tuesday in St Aidan’s High School taking part in the P7 Maths Challenge. They enjoyed taking part and found some sections  easy and others challenging. They did us proud!

Mrs Preston and four primary 1 children visited Castlehill Nursery Class. This is the final visit in what is a big task;  visiting all of our feeder nurseries. The staff at Castlehill loved seeing our great big, grown up primary one children!

Motherwell Football Coaches visited P5 and P5/6 for the second part of their health programme this afternoon.


Primary 4 enjoyed a great adventure… they walked to Wishaw train station and travelled by train to Glasgow City Centre where they caught the open topped tourist bus which took them on a tour of the city. They stopped off at The Riverside Museum, they then had lunch and their photograph taken with Michelle Mc Manus! They were very well behaved and had a great time. A big thank you to Mrs Rae, Mrs McKay and our group of parent helpers who accompanied them.

We had a surprise visitor in our nursery class today, Mrs Aileen Quinn from The Care Commision Inspectorate. She spent time with the children and then working with Mrs Hughes and Mrs Rodger. She will return on Monday morning when she will speak to nursery parents and complete her inspection.


Today I attended Motherwell Diocese Head Teacher Conference at the Conforti Institute in Coatbridge. The theme of our day was Opening Hearts and Minds. In the afternoon we looked at new Sacramental Books for First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation. We will use these next session.

Beats of Brazil, a samba band were in school today working with our primary 7 pupils. They were practising for our Global day on Monday. We are very excited! It is also the beginning of Mission week in St Thomas’ Church. Monday is a dress down day.

We are hoping for some butterflies when we return on Monday….. watch this space

A Great Day Out At The Riverside Museum

Teddy Bears Picnic

Our infant classes spent Thursday preparing a picnic. they made jelly, sandwiches and cakes. Everyone brought their teddy to school. We has two very special guests “Claret” and “Amber” from Motherwell Football Club. The children were very excited! Our new entrant children came along in the afternoon and took part in games, singing and tucking in to the food. A big thank you to staff who worked very hard to organise everything.

First Communions

Today the children from St Thomas’ Parish received their First Holy Communion. They behaved beutifully and were an absolute credit to their families. They looked lovely too! The rain did not spoil their day! Tomorrow is the turn of the children from St Patrick’s Parish. I am sure they too will do well. Hope the rain stops!

Come Dine With The Cooking Kids!

Friday 10th of May 2013

Today the nine children in the Cooking Kids hosted a four course dinner for their parents and friends. They prepared bruschetta, potato and leek soup, coronation chicken salad and fresh fruit salad and ice cream. The parents enjoyed it and asked for some recipes!

A big thank you to Megan’s Mum (P2) and Mrs McKinnon who worked all day chopping, cooking and washing up! We couldn’t have done it without you.

Head Teacher’s Blog

This blog will be updated on a regular basis. It will give information about the activities going on in St Thomas’ Primary School.

May 1st 2013

We had a highly successful CEOP event last night in St Ignatius Primary. Four of our cluster primaries and St Aidan’s High School took part. There was a good turn out of parents. Children led each session and told parents about blogging, cyber bullying, social network sites and online gaming. The  police, social work and NLC computer centre staff were also present.

This morning I visited Belhaven nursery and met three pupils who will join us in August. Two children from our present Primary One accompanied me. Mrs Preston, Miss Roy and myself will emdeavour to meet with every child who is joining our school in August.

We had a visit from the RSPCA who spoke to the children about looking after our pets. The nursery children attended one session.