Tag Archives: Homework

Homework Week Beginning 2nd November

Spelling words

Choose one of the spelling tasks to complete the spelling homework this week.

ate, better, scary, police, white, purple, yellow, tries, tried, turned

Whole School Big Talk

Are fireworks safe? Discuss this topic with a relative and bullet point your thoughts for discussion with the class and Mrs McGhee.

Topic – What is a law?

Read through this booklet with an adult and discuss what a law is and how they are created. Note down the key points using bullet points in your homework jotter.



 Written subtraction sheet to be completed in maths jotter.

Homework for the 19th of October

Spelling Words

Complete spelling using task 2 this week.

bike, biking, scold, gold, brought, television, where, wheat, Edinburgh, Perth, gear, spear, spread, head, Ayr, Scots, city


Look around your home and note down the objects that are 3-d shapes e.g. – tea box – cylinder. Use the link to help you with the spelling of 3-d shapes.



As this is the month of Mary, say a Hail Mary with a family member. We will be learning about the Rosary in class and with Mrs McGhee.