Homework Week Beginning 18th of January


Choose your own task to complete these spelling homework.

Firstly, change, does, goes, changing, shouted, sixteen, slowly, baby, balloon



Write answers from worksheet in jotter and revise tables in jotter from last week.


Gather images releated to India for the 30th of January. Image could be gathered from brochures, newspaper and Google images. Things to consider:

– Animals found in India

– Famous buildings

– Plants and flowers

– Clothing

– Patterns

If gathering images from Google and importing to Word, I have asked the children to fit as many of a page as they can to save ink. If anyone does not have access to a printer I am can print image for them. Children would need to email them to me or bring in a usb stick.

The children will be creating a collage from the pictures gathered as part of an art and design project linked to their topic.

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