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Plan for 8th December 2011

Hi Primary 7,

Sorry that I won’t get the chance to see you all today but I hope that you are all tucked up and cosy at home in this dreadful weather.  Here is your plan for today.  If you are in touch with anyone without Internet access then maybe you could remind them about their paper copy of the plan (with the snowman in the middle) and let them know what tasks are on the blog today.

9.00-9.30 Practise your 2 – 10 times table find someone to listen to you saying them or just say them out loud to yourself.  Here is a website you might want to use.

9.30-10.30 Read the last few chapters of your novel study or your Rainbow Reading Book.  Write a summary of a character, about 200 words, include information about the way they look and behave.  Draw a labelled illustration to match.  Complete this on paper.

10.30-1100 Practise your poem ‘The Ballad of Janitor McKay’ and the song ‘Auld Lang Syne’.  Google search ‘Address to the Toothache’ by Robert Burns and have a read over this.  It is quite tricky.  Let me know what you think!

11.15-12.15  We have been working on line graphs.  Create a graph charting the temperature in Glasgow, Edinburgh,  Aberdeen,  London and Portsmouth today.  You will find the information on the the Internet or on the weather forecast.  Write 5 questions you could ask someone about what you have found. (Take a note of the correct answers.)  Complete this on paper.

1.00-2.00  List 5 famous Scots from the past and 5 famous Scots from the present.  Choose 1 or 2, research them  and write 10 facts about them and  about why they are famous.  Please post this on our blog or complete on paper.

2.00-3.00 We are working on creating new toys this week as part of our enterprise work.  Think about the toy that your group have designed, create a radio advert and a poster advert for it.  Be prepared to share your work tomorrow at school.

Mrs Grant

Farewell Football

Today was the last day of out fabulous football lessons 🙁 , we have had great fun during the 5 weeks. We have learned new skills like passing, dribbling and how to call for the ball. We played games they were very fun 🙂 , we have to say a big thank you to Declan – our coach !. We are all so sad that this has finished.

Reading Tasks

Green Group

In your own words write a description of the cellar in the George and Dragon, in which Jem and Ned found themselves. (P175-177)

Red Group

Read P74-75.  In your own words write about how Carrie and Nick both felt and reacted to Mr Evans

Yellow Group

In chapter 25 and 26 Scipio was not who be portrayed himself to be.   Write a 300 word story about a character who was not what others thought he/she was.

Rainbow Readers

Write a summary of your book.  Include information about the characters, what happens and if you enjoyed the story.