All posts by Mrs Grant

Think of a Number!

Here is your mental maths homework for the week beginning 7th November.  Remember to add your answer as a comment.  Thanks.

  1. I think of a number.  I multiply it by 2, add 50 and my answer is 74.  What was my number?
  2. I think of a number.  I add 16, subtract 30 and my answer is 36.  What was my number?
  3. I think of a number.  I subtract 25 and add 2.  I then multiply by 2.  My answer is 154, what was my number?

Now write your own “I think of a number word problem” and explanation of how to work it out.

Homework Task

Primary 7, as you know we have been looking at elections as part of our work I have a short homework task that you should complete.  Find 5 facts about John F Kennedy, Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln.  Add them as a comment to this post.  This task should be completed for the 14th of October 2011.  I look forward to receiving your work.  Mrs Grant

Welcome Back!

Hello Primary 7a and welcome to our class blog!  This blog will give us the opportunity to share all our wonderful work with others in our school and beyond.   I am looking forward to working with you and having a successful year together.  Primary 7 is a very busy year and you will have the opportunity to take on lots of new roles and responsibilities as well as your trip to Kilbowie in just a few weeks.  Please make sure that you come to school every day with a positive attitude and that you are willing to give your best in all that you do.