8 thoughts on “Change to £20

  1. I found this game quite hard at the beginning but i got the hang of it Paige 🙂

  2. I found the game great fun! Though it was a bit tricky at times.

    Jennifer C 😉

  3. i fount it more difficult when you have not spent a lot of money because the change that you are give as options only go up to a £2 coin. Alltogether i found it quite challenging.

    by Ashleigh 😀

  4. I found the game easy but I would have preferred it if there were notes available as change. Sometimes I had no more space on the hand for the coins and it wouldn’t let me put them on the hand.Ac

  5. Thanks for your comments Primary 7. Why not try some of the other games and see how you get on with them?
    Mrs Grant

  6. Hello Mrs. Grant ,

    Would it be ok If I wait until Saturday to do mine as I need flash player and I will not be at my grans to do it until Sat, thanks

    Jennifer 😀

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