In Glenmanor Primary School we have Fairtrade Fortnight and as part of this we had a Fairtrade quiz in our school on Monday 🙂
2 thoughts on “Fairtrade Fortnight in Glenmanor”
This week we finished the quiz. It was fun. There was teams and the team to the right wins, A.K.A. P7B,my class and some other classes of course won! Other people comment and have as much fun on glow as possible! Bye for now! 🙂
Hello Alison,
What was this quiz about? What was the purpose of it? Was it fun to do? Thanks again.
This week we finished the quiz. It was fun. There was teams and the team to the right wins, A.K.A. P7B,my class and some other classes of course won! Other people comment and have as much fun on glow as possible! Bye for now! 🙂
Hello Alison,
What was this quiz about? What was the purpose of it? Was it fun to do? Thanks again.