Choices For Life Glow Meet

We had a glow meet all about choices for life . It was about smoking , drugs and alchohol and why the are not good for you. There was a short film about a boy called Liam who was getting pressurised into smoking. He took one draw and chose not to smoke. There was 6,000 children watching choices for life live on glow meet. They had the boy who played Liam and the boy who played Michael on the show talking about why not to smoke and do drugs. Liam loved swimming so he chose not to smoke as it would ruin his chances to become a proffesional and have a good career.

Why not post a reason why smoking is bad for you?

9 thoughts on “Choices For Life Glow Meet”

  1. It will harm you lungs by filling them up with smoke .Smoking is a very horrible thing to do and can harm your health.

  2. Smoking is bad for your health and affects your lungs and can cause horrible diseases. It can also affect your career, as in, becoming a professional footballer.

  3. Smoking is not something to be proud of just this one mistake can effect and change your whole life. This can effect your lungs and this can give you many types of cancer.

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