Maths – Probability

In maths we have been learning about probability.  We have been discussing how we can use the phrases certain, unlikely, likely and impossible to describe the likelohood of an event occuring.  We also learned about evens meaning that there is a 50-50 chance of something happening.

Can you choose one (or more) of the phrases and write an event that’s likelihood is described by the phrase.

13 thoughts on “Maths – Probability”

  1. Certain – It is cetain that humans can’t fly.
    Unlikely – It is unlikely that I will win the lottery.
    Likely – It is likely that my brothers will annoy me tonight.
    Impossible – It is impossible to lick your own elbow

  2. Likely: It is likely to be cold/frosty tomorrow.
    Unlikely: It is unlikely to be sunny any day this week.

  3. Certain:It is certain that you can’t bake a cake in the fridge.

    Likely:It is likely that Manchester United will win the premier league this year 2012-2013.

    Unlikely:It is unlikely that I will find money on the street.

    Fair:The teacher makes fair decisions.

    Impossible: It is impossible that babies aren’t cute .

  4. Likely. It is likey that im going to have a birthday next year.

    Unlikely. It is unlikely that I I will stop chatting.

    Certain. It is certain that I can’t drive until I am 18.

    Impossible. It is impossible to get blood out a stone.

  5. Impossible-that a fish will be able to survive without it being in water.
    Likely-that it will stay cold this winter

  6. It is certain that i will breathe.
    It is unlikely that i will find a ten pound note.
    It is impossible to see a dodo bird today.
    It is likely that i will be in school tomorrow.

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