Orbiston & Sacred Heart Nursery Blog

June 3, 2020
by Ms Nicoll

Numeracy Skills Ideas

Good morning boys and girls.

I hope you are staying safe and well with your families.

Here are some ideas to develop your numeracy skills:

1) Do maths in the bath. Use measuring cups- see how many small cups it takes to fill a big cup. Talk about full/empty, some/more, heavy/light, half/quarter.

2) Cook something. Ask an adult to let you measure ingredients, estimate which size pan or bowl you’ll need and set the timer.

3) Board games like Snakes & Ladders, dominoes or Uno are great for recognising numerals, counting out moves and taking turns.

4) Go for a walk and talk about maths in the environment. How many sticks or flowers can you find? Can you line them up by size? Or group them by shape and colour.

5) Make a necklace. Use beads, pasta, plastic straws. Making patterns with shapes or colours.

Have fun while you’re learning new numeracy skills! I would love to see some photos of what you’ve been learning!

Miss Nicoll xx

June 3, 2020
by User deactivated

Make your own music

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well and keeping busy.

Let’s make some music at home today. I have used some items from my kitchen to create different sounds. Some examples are;

  • a metal or wooden utensil tapping on a metal colander
  • empty plastic bottle with rice or lentils
  • empty plastic bottle with pasta

I would be interested to see if anyone has any other ideas to create musical sounds. You could also add in a song to go along with your music.

I am looking forward to hearing your music, Mrs Cassidy




June 2, 2020
by Mrs Madzinga

Loose parts play

Good morning boys and girls!!  I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday. I know you love playing with junk models and loose parts at nursery. Please may you ask an adult to help you to look for empty cartoons, buttons, cello tape, curtain rings, corks, stones, old magazine, pegs, plates, pots, pans, spoons, lids of milk or juices. Anything lying in your house can be used to stimulate your child to be creative using various items. When everything is collected let your child lead the play.

June 1, 2020
by User deactivated

Fun in the sun

Hello boys and girls, I hope you are all well. The ladies are all missing you very much and can’t wait to see you all again. Here are some ideas for outdoor fun;

1 Make daisy chains.

2 Recycle old tubs and make a bird bath.

3 Ask an adult to help you cut the top off a plastic bottle, tie it onto your fence and when it rains you have instant water to water your plants or refill your bird bath.

4 When the weather is warm have a picnic outdoors. If the weather isn’t so good or you don’t have a garden then have it indoors.

Have fun in the sun

Love Mrs Roberts x

June 1, 2020
by Miss McCormack

Nature Bracelets

Hi Boys and Girls. I have found another little activity that looks great fun to try when you are out getting some exercise. Give these nature walk bracelets a go and see how many different plants/ flowers you can find. Also look to see how many different colours you can get on your bracelets.  All you need to do is  turn a piece of tape upside down and  place whatever you find in nature to make the bracelet! This activity will be great exercise. Walking keeps your heart healthy while we are exploring our local environment.


Be careful and always ask an adult if it is safe to pick some flowers/ plants as they could be jaggy. Have lots of fun and take pictures to show the ladies.

June 1, 2020
by Mrs Madzinga

Family time game!!!

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all fine. I miss you all and I hope to see you again soon. It’s family time game today!!!

Let’s test your memory today. Let the adult help you to collect 6 items if you are 3 years old, and 10 items if you are 4 or 5 years old. Lay the items that you have collected on the floor or in a tray. Talk about the items and then cover them with a towel. Ask everyone to close their eyes. Quickly remove 1 item. Let them guess what is missing. Remember to take turns. Enjoy and have fun!!!

Mrs Madzinga

June 1, 2020
by User deactivated

Jack and the Beanstalk

Hello to all the boys and girls at Orbiston Nursery Class. I am missing you all so much. I can’t wait to see you lovely smiling faces again.

One of our favourite stories in nursery was “Jack and the Beanstalk”. Could you draw a picture of a beanstalk and count how many leaves are on it?

The bean grew into a beanstalk when it was planted in Jack’s garden. Ask a grown-up if you can plant some runner or broad beans in your garden. You could also use a plant pot. Maybe, you could take some photographs of your plant when it grows.

Stay safe and have fun with your family, goodbye for now.




May 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Daisy Chains

Hello boys and girls. Missing you all very much.

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine! Why don’t you spend some time outside and try to make some daisy chains!

Mrs Quigley will try to make some today and send you all some lovely pictures of my beautiful daisy chains. Give it a go!





Hi boys and girls,

Here are the daisy chains I made using the flowers in the garden. Hope you all had a go!!


May 27, 2020
by Miss McCormack

Nature walk

Hello boys and girls. I have been missing all the children at Orbiston nursery and all my blueberries.
I hope yous are all keeping safe and having lots of fun.
I have been doing some things to keep myself busy too. There is a gnome trail through the nature footpath leading down from the Bellshill golf club where lots of boys and girls have been adding their creative planks for everyone to find, great little walk and great fun, see if you can find my pictures I have hidden for you to find:

remember and hold an adults hand and stay safe when finding them.

hope to see yous all soon.

May 27, 2020
by Mrs Gray

Looking after each other

Hello boys and girls, l hope you are all safe and well and a good positive week is being had by all. All your ladies miss you very much and look forward to seeing you all soon. We all need to look after each other and be kind especially just now when we can’t see all our families and friends. Here is some ideas you can try at home with your families and make someone smile :

1.  Draw a happy picture for someone in you live with e.g. rainbow, sunshine, a picture of you with a big happy smile.

2. Sing your favourite nursery rhyme to your family.

3. Give every one you live with a big hug and kiss and tell them you love them.

4. Ask and adult to help you cut out some love hearts and write down a name on each one for all the people you miss. ( you can keep these safe in a box until its safe to see them. When the time is right you can give them a little piece of your heart and let them know how much you have missed them).

Sending you and your families lots of LOVE Xx

Mrs. Gray

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