Orbiston & Sacred Heart Nursery Blog

June 4, 2020
by Mrs Jenkins

Incy Wincy Spider

Hi boys and girls,

Today I have been thinking about nursery rhymes. One of my favourite rhymes to sing with you all is ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.

“Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed poor spider out!

Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain

So Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again.”

Nursery rhymes are a great way to develop your vocabulary and listening skills. If the rhyme is new to you, ask someone in your family who does know it to help you learn the words. Once you know the rhyme, why not try these fun activities:

  • Whisper the rhyme, shout it loudly or even try and sing the Incy Wincy Rap.
  • Change the words from Incy Wincy Spider to Big Enormous Spider and say the rhyme again slowly.
  • Talk to someone in your house about spiders. Do you like them? Do you not like them? And why?
  • Find a book about a spider or a book that has a picture of a spider and create your own spider story.
  • Try the cotton wool experiment. Hold some cotton wool in your hand and pretend it’s a cloud. What does it feel like? Is it heavy or light? Is it soft or scratchy? Then soak it in water, like a rain cloud, and squeeze it gently. What happens to the water?

I’m looking forward to singing with you all again soon.

Mrs Jenkins xx


June 4, 2020
by User deactivated

Drama – Role Play Box

Hello boys and girls hope you have all enjoyed the lovely weather.

Children love to dress up and use their imagination. They enjoy taking on different roles using props that are available to them. Here are a few ideas you could use to create your own role play box at home!

  • Get a large box, this could be cardboard, plastic or anything you have at home.
  • In your box put in some old clothes, bags, purses, hats, bits of material, shoes, masks or anything else that you could use for dressing up.
  • Use your imagination to create different costumes and scenarios.

Take lots of pictures so we can see all the fun you are having. You might even want to decorate your box with paints, glitter or any other decorations you have at home!

June 4, 2020
by Mrs Madzinga

Exploring the five senses and quiz

Hello everyone!! Hope you enjoyed drawing pictures of yourselves and singing along with action Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes. I hope everyone can name the body parts now. Each body part has got a special function. For example we use our:
• Eyes for seeing
• Nose for smelling
• Ears for hearing
• Hands for touching
• Tongue for tasting
Below I have a picture of a girl with missing body parts. Can you please help me to identify and name the missing body parts? To challenge yourselves ask an adult to give you five different types of foods to taste. After tasting each food you have to tell the adult how it tastes like. For example sweet or bitter.

You can go on You tube to listen to this 5 senses quiz: Taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing.




June 4, 2020
by User deactivated

20 Second Challenge

Hello boys and girls. I hope you are all having lots of fun and keeping healthy.  I wonder if you could try this 20 second challenge.

What you do is:-

Star jumps for                                                                     20 seconds

Skipping on the spot for                                                    20 seconds

Hopping on the spot for                                                    20 seconds

Move your waist in a circular movement for                20 seconds

Lets see if you can do this three times a day.  If you feel really strong you could try it for longer.


Missing you all lots and lots and lots.  Remember keep safe and keep washing your hands.

Sending you all lots of hugs.

Mrs Wilkie

June 4, 2020
by User deactivated

The world around us

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you are well and trying to keep safe and healthy!

To help you with you Home Learning, I hope these fun activities will keep you busy.

1 Make maps and drawings of your neighbourhood,

2 Look at books or online about kids growing up in different countries. Do they eat different food, do they dress differently?

3 Ask a family member to help you create a family tree using photographs or maybe drawing family onto the branches. I am sure whatever you decide you will have fun chatting about you wonderful family.

Take care of yourself, be good, kind and spend time with your family.

Missing you all so much and look forward to seeing you all very soon !

Love Mrs Roberts x




June 3, 2020
by Mrs Jenkins

Writing and Drawing Trays

Hello everyone 🙂

Today’s activity is a great way to develop your mark making and letter formation skills. Writing trays are a tactile and sensory experience which will help you become more confident in forming letters and numbers, and its so much fun!

Pour some flour, sugar, sand or corn flour onto a tray. Then use your fingers to make letters, numbers or designs. You may want to ask an adult to write some letters/numbers on paper for you to copy in the tray.

After using your fingers to write, try using a writing utensil in the tray. This is a fantastic way to develop your fine motor skills and pencil control.

Good luck and have fun!        Mrs Jenkins xx

My Cup Of Feelings

June 3, 2020 by Mrs Gray | 0 comments

I smile when l’m happy,

l smile when l’m glad,

l even smile BIG and BRIGHT after l’ve been feeling sad,

I smile when l wake up,

and smile to start my day,

 A smile’s a HAPPY thing to do to start me on my way.

I hope this poem finds you all with a Happy Smile. As we are not at nursery and cannot use our emotions wall l thought you might like to do a fun activity at home.

Its called: My Big Cup Of Feelings.


  1. Draw a cup onto paper.
  2. Colour inside the cup to show how much of each emotion you are feeling right now.
  3. Ask someone at home to do the same and compare each others Cup Of Feelings.

We feel many different emotions throughout the day and sometimes they can be very confusing for us, even for grown ups.

Emotional development is vital in helping our little ones grow into well adjusted adults. Encouraging them to talk and identify their feelings will also help them to be empathetic towards others.

Love from

Mrs. Gray xx

June 3, 2020
by User deactivated


Hello boys and girls, hope you are all well.

To help care for our environment, it is good to recycle. We can take something that is no longer being used and turn it in to something new and useful.

You could use a variety of items, which you will find around your home.
Toilet and kitchen roll tubes, egg and cereal boxes or empty yoghurt pots etc.

I have posted a photo above of some ideas you could try, but I am sure you all will have great ideas of your own.

I would love to see all your lovely creations, have fun!

Mrs.McLaughlin xxx

Friendship is in our hands.

June 3, 2020 by Mrs Gray | 0 comments

Making  and keeping friends is an important skill for us to learn. Not only is it fun to have friends around us ,but it is an important part of  our experience at nursery and when we start Primary 1. When we form friendships it helps us to develop self-esteem  and build important social skills, like getting along, cooperating and problem-solving. What makes you a good friend ? Here are some things that might help us.

  1. Listen to others.
  2. Cooperate.
  3. Forgive one another
  4. Be honest.
  5. Show respect.
  6. Express gratitude and appreciation.
  7. Take turns and share

While we are still unable to see all our friends we can try this at home.

  • Draw around your hand
  • Have a think of 5 strengths you have that makes you a good friend.
  • Ask an adult to scribe in each finger what you think makes you a really good friend.

Love  to all my little friends and your families .

Mrs. Gray xx





























June 3, 2020
by Mrs Madzinga

Lets learn to name the body parts in an exciting way

Hello boys and girls. Today’s challenge for 4 to 5 year olds is to draw a picture of yourselves and name the different parts of the body drawn. The 3 years olds, lets name the different parts of the body in an exciting way by singing along the song below whilst touching the parts of the body mentioned. The 4 to 5 years can join in too.

You can also look on You Tube for the video of the song. To make it more interesting why not play Simon says with an adult? For example Simon say touch your toes then the child will touch the toes. Continue to name other different parts of the body.  May you please ask an adult  to help you to  post the picture that you have drawn.

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